Power Flow Card Plus πŸš€

Look at the example here (a state-based template sensor).

Can somebody please tell me what i am doing wrong with the gas meter?
It does not takeover the number of decimals?

I had to make my own nuts meter helper but also make my own sensor

  - sensor:
      - name: Monthly_Gas_Meter_in_m3
        unit_of_measurement: L
        device_class: current
        state_class: measurement
        state: >
          {{ states('sensor.monthly_gas_meter') | float(default=0.0) | multiply(1000) | round(0)}}

How do i file a bug report?
Or am i doing it wrong?

i created a helper for a nuts meter and this is it’s current value:

when i use it in the energy dashboard it is presented as KW (and incorrect with a dot):

And when i make it of m3 measurement:

And no matter what i do, i can not make it with a comma β€œ3,767”

i tried to trick it with some custom sensors like:

- sensor:
    - name: Weekly_Gas_Meter_in_m3_3
      device_class: current
      state_class: measurement
      state: >
        {% set raw_value = states('sensor.weekly_gas_meter') %}
        {{ (raw_value | replace(',', '') | float(default=0.0)) / 1000 }}

Which results in:
so then i can use the m3 unit again in the meter but then it will present it with a β€œ.” (dot) as wel.

Can anybody please help me out het?

It drives me nuts to see 1 β€œ.” where there should be a β€œ,”.

Thanks in advance!

Did you find a solution? I faced have exactly the same issue.

No, I went back to native chrome and all works fine

Hello there, I started having trouble with displaying gas consumption. Any suggestion might help. In included screenshots you may see the sensor is correct, but in the dashboard it displays wrong:

Here is the setup in the card:

        - entity: sensor.gas_meter_daily
          display_zero: true
          name: Plyn
          icon: mdi:fire
          unit_of_measurement: mΒ³
          calculate_flow_rate: true
          inverted_animation: true
          color_value: false
            - 157
            - 11
            - 11
          color_icon: false
          decimals: 0
          display_zero_state: true
          unit_white_space: true
          use_metadata: false
          secondary_info: {}