I’m on a search to find a way to measure the power draw/consumption of a plug for the waschingmachine without it being able to switch/cut the power. I tried 2 different types of zigbee power plugs and with both i had problems, that the switch turned off by itself mid running of the machine. Sometimes it works for some time but then it doesn’t. I am now searching for a way to just measure the power without the switching. Has someone a method or a recommendation? I’m open for zigbee and wifi. Thanks in advance
Yeah that was also an idea but i’m not sure if i’m skilled enough to know how to do it and it then just explodes. I think i’m gonna open one up and look. But it helps to know that someone did this already. Thanks for the tip.
If you open one you’ll see a model marking on relay. Find datasheet for this relay and you’ll see pons position. That way you’ll know which two to bypass.
I use Shelly Plug´s. You can define in their settings when they should turn off for security reason. maybe your washing mashine consumes a little bit to much in the peak. I have three (two washing mashines an a dryer) an they are wroking fine without turning off for more than 2 years.
The problem with clamps is that i need an exposed wire and a separate power supply. The plugs are a lot easier solution. The plugs weren’t switched by interactions or too much power draw or a blackout. They just switched off by themself and i can’t explain why. I checked the logs and couldn’t find a reason.
Yes I agree, I only have them on critical appliances, like my server, where I want no chance of it will be switched off. I made up a IEC plug to socket lead with the clamp around the line and using the line and neutral to power the clamp.
Yeah. I also had a plug but just for short on my pc and then it was too “dangerous” for me. I really would like to have a commercial solution to just measure, but there really doesn’t seems to be something like that.
For years I had a plug running on “always on” and only a option to reset (turns off for 20 seconds then back on again). While that plug didn’t feature power monitoring I had this setup running for years without any hick ups (never switched off by itself).