Power outage killed synology. 7th at 6.55pm.
I have snapshots every 2hrs. A FS one at 4pm. I locked it.
So it seems to go.
After back, I tried restoring 3 snapshots over today, and still it says after 40min
Broken no CLI:
7th (day of power outage)
6pm - should be latest working
what is wrong with it and why is it so fragile and easy to break? Why do Synology VM snapshots not work as backups? How can I make backups that I know I can roll back to at any time?
Error returned from Supervisor: System is not ready with state: setup:
7th 8am ← currently trying to use this
Earliest avail before unknown gap in snapshots
5th 3pm - front end broken, no Hass
After trying all the steps up from today I got to yesterdays one and got one that loaded partly but couldn’t get supervisor up. So it seems there is something with the file system consistent snapshots? Even though they run properly and I have restarted ha during these times.
Now I found one I got to CLI (6th 8pm)
After supervisor repair & restart I got
and then in HA
Hi aussie1497,
This might help
Removing the zigbee2mqtt plugins.
I think the repo moved.
Thanks for that. I followed to:

So I guess I’m using the right one? But it’s orange while others are blank or blue. I assume that means it’s because I rolled back to before an update was available

I did follow a message to add config a few days ago:
adapter: zstack

Now that I got some stuff running I dare not do updates again

Core 2025.1 completely broke me on Sun.
HAOS was fine, but made my snapshots not recoverable.
I’m really confused. I have restored to a largely working one. But somehow google home is no longer connected to it. How can that happen?
And now suddenly
Then somehow it came back up. ANd HAOS is not there now…
I def didn’t click update…