Poweropti / powerfox powermeter integration

Würde mich auch freuen!

Unfortunately not yet.
I am desperately waiting.
If there is someone who could share what Martek shared with him? Might be an option.

Hi, I am still on the .11 Version and the script was working for months without problems. Out of the blue today at 13:30 it stopped.
My poweropti was blocked from internet to keep the good firmware and I have still access via the powerfox app on my phone on “local mode”…
So it seems this is a Home Assitant problem.

The ip is also static

Anyone can help me?

After a complete reboot of the HA Server its working again

I’ve discovered that when blocking internet access to poweropti (by router or firewall) at about 1 week, the local service stopps. The error I’ve had 5 days ago was there again and wasn’t fixed by a reboot of HA.

I’ve to activate internet for the opti again and also actived the data transfer, then the local values were back again.

But the problem is, when the internet access is on, the poweropti would automatic update to a new firmware.

Anyone discovered the same?

Hallo zusammen,

sofern möglich würde ich auch gerne um die oft angesprochene Anleitung von @Martek (oder ähnliches?) bitten.
Bin neu was den PowerOpti angeht und versuche gerade die Daten ohne PowerFox Backend in eine Datenbank einzubinden – wie vermutlich viele hier.

Vielen lieben Dank!

Hast Du schon etwas bekommen?
Did anyone get some information recently?

There is a new firmware with verison .38

Hi there, I was also using local RPC so far without any issues. Yesterday I got new firmware .38 and since then local http RPC interface is not working any longer.
I assume they now enforce encryption via local interface as well? So still would also be interested in @Martek solution to get https via RPC running via certificates and password. Also German description would be appreciated :slight_smile:

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Hi, local RPC don’t working can fix please

same problem with firmware .38 :frowning:

I found following Guide to use Tibber Pulse locally. I wonder whether this might also be used to get access to the Poweropti certs while it has its internal network running (intentionally provide wrong WLAN SSID during initial setup).

According to Powerfox FAQ, they also use MQTT:

So the firmware might be similar to Pulse and eventually you can connect via browser to the poweropti while the internal network is active? Question is whether it would be same local IP or different?
If Password is needed, it is likely the poweropti ID from the barcode, since that is also required during the initial config. It might be a chance to access the public and private certs that are needed to use https for the RPC?

I already wrote @Martek a DM regarding the new firmware. Poweropti switched to SSL port (443) and seems to use a new certificate file with different password.

I tried to did some “reverse engeneering” by looking into the poweropti APK for the passwort but failed.

Update: Doesn’t seem to be that easy. The password for the internal poweropt WLAN is not the poweropti ID.Even if the FAQ and documentation says that one can connect to the poweropti WLAN manually, it does not work with FW .38 and I found no description what the password is for the internal WLAN. When starting the reactivation of the poweropti through the App, it must first download some information from the internet for the ID I want to activate. Anyway, after the app connected automatically to internal WLAN, it used, but I could not find any IP responding to my mobile browser.
So the only big question is how to reverse engineer the password for the local *.p12 private key file being used by the apk?
Interestingly Powerfox utilizes the local API/MQTT not only for the App, but also cooperates with Maxxisun for real time local data transfer to their new Battery CCU that is being developed. They claim 1s data refresh interval, so local data capture (even in real time) is possible, but not available for a broader community of smart home enthusiasts…If they use MQTT anyway, why powerfox does not provide capabilities for local MQTT brokers to receive this information, then we would not need the RPC interface at all…

I’m out from powerfox now I read die Energy from Tasmota and it works perfectly with HA !

same here…
I wish I had made the decision sooner, it’s much cheaper and you don’t get forced updates!

Which device are you using? I’m also looking for an alternative to powerfox.

Same here, switched to Tibber Pulse, some disadvantages (3 seconds instead of 1 second update, cloud-based) but the easiest and fastest replacement at the moment*.

Edit: *for me.

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Correct, in the main.js file in the APK you find some functions to decode the p12 private key, but I couldnt get it working (one missing variable, could be maybe the device ID or a hash of it).

Yes, I was also at that point, but difficult to find right decoding mechanism if you don’t know which parameters are used for the password encoding.
Anyway, I asked Powerfox for support to have local API access, either via RPC or MQTT, but have no response yet (and doubt that I will get a helpful response). If this won’t be possible in near future, I wil also get rid of the powerotpti and switch to an ESP Smart reader, which is much cheaper and more reliable via Tasmota and MQTT integration, providing 1s data interval locally! I use one already for my second smart meter of the heat pump. When I decided for poweropti, I wanted simplicity because at that time I was not familiar with HA. But at the end, a smart meter alone doesn’t help to monitor / control any form of energy management at home since you have to correlate multiple data to get meaningful information (and make proper decisions/actions based on the correlation).
I really like the simplicity and quality of poweropti, but just providing a slow and unreliable Web API instead of allowing a (secure) local API (which is usually fast and stable), the poweropti beccomes a NOGO for my needs.

@ckarrie, did you try the linked work around to get local API for Tibber Pulse through the MQTT bridge?
Not sure if that procedure is still working, since it could also change in future if Tibber will do firmware updates.
When you say you get 3s data via cloud API, is that reliable? I’m ok with 5 sec, so if their API is more reliable than powerfox it might be an option for me as well. While the pulse is also expensive, it provides the option to use the Tibber dynamic power tarifs as well, where the Pulse is a pre-req for smart meter measurement. Tibber does not accept other forms of power consumption data delivery for the dynamic model to my knowledge