Problem installing Home Assistant on Raspberry Pi 4 (using WiFi)

I can try that later but in the meantime I reran the Imager and it failed again. I did a bit of checking with the systemctl status command (as suggested in the script) and got some info:
Several systemd-time-wait-sync errors: Failed to add a watch for /run/systemd/timesync : No such file or directory
but when I checked the systemd directory there is a timesync file. Does this tell me anything?

Also there is an earlier timeout

I entered an IP number for SSID and got to the Home Assistant screen
“Network scan wlan0” listed all our access points.
Network info had ip addresses for docker; host_interface:false; interfaces:-connected:false; and eth0 and wlan0 interfaces both of whose parameters are ipv4: address:[]; gateway:null; method:disabled; nameservers:[]
Does this make sense?

Is this relevant ? or is only important after installation is complete? or never?

" If you want it enabled from the very first boot without a screen/keyboardf you need to create the file wpa_supplicant.conf in the boot directory with your wifi settings, also create an empty file called ‘ssh’ in the same directory to enable ssh.

“Otherwise you need to edit the files /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf and /etc/network/interfaces”

Where are you quoting from?

All the frustration, all the headbumps, is it really worth it?

As @tom_I already put it:


gains the impression that it is easier to bother strangers on the net but unfortunately with a flat NO towards well-meaning advices on how to approach the problem the easy way.

Isn’t that the point of forums? If you don’t like my questions then why answer them?

It is about people trying hard to show you the way to go but you are rejecting it for whatsoever reason.

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Your question has been answered, but not in a way you like.

You refuse to take advice and then get offended when someone says “why are you knocking your head against the wall when the advice is simple”.


So does HA.

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SSID is not IP number so why did you put that in and that will be your problem right out of the bat

Pretty sure that is just a misunderstanding of network nomenclature. At least I hope so.

What server is that? Does Home Assistant have one?

You need to read my earlier posts. Using an IP number got me to the HA CLI. Using a proper SSID didin’t get me to it. I was using IP deliberately to see if I could find any clues as to why using a SSID wasn’t working.

Maybe you want to take a look at this?

I said in my second post (and also in the title of the post) that I didn’t want to use ethernet to install HA and didn’t want to discuss that. If you don’t want to help me use WiFi to install HA then don’t participate in the discussion.

I am aware of the difference. Perhaps you didn’t read my earlier discussion with tom_I about using ha help. So I did that and documented the results of some ha commands.

Clearly this post has offended some members so I will not participate anymore.

No you’re really not. Otherwise you would not keep saying:

That doesn’t really sound like you are aware of the difference.

Wise decision :+1:t4: