Problem with new VirtualBox install

Hi All, I’ve just installed a new HA using VirtualBox on Windows 10. Everything went smoothly until the Onboarding stage. I received an error (which I see a few others have as well but none were windows based). The suggestion was to refresh which I did. Then all I’ve had for the last couple of hours is a Home Assistant splash screen with a spinning timer.

I would really appreciate some guidance.

Thanks in advance,


I would consider moving to VMWare Player. I have found it to be way more stable right now.

Outside of that, what does the vBox terminal window show?

Ok, I’ll give that a go.

Just a blue screen with Home Assistant splash screen pop-up.

Not the browser, vBox’s terminal window.


Yep, that’s it. What was the error?

There is no error on that screen, only the error in the browser, unless there’s a log file somewhere?

You mentioned you received an error, but, unless I missed, did not include the what that error was.

Sorry, yes. When I open the browser I get this:

Then I click OK and refresh and get this:

Nothing further happens.

I did find another post with the same issue so I tried everything in that to no avail. Network set to private etc.

I also tried VMware but the tutorial doesn’t seem to match what I see. Maybe it was for an earlier version?

These are the instructions I used

So I’ve got VMWare installed, cheers. But I still can’t connect. The browser just says “hmmmm, can’t connect” (or something similar).

When the machine starts I do receive a Fail message:

This is the second boot up, the first one also had a Network Manager fail as well.
Then I get this screen:

Any ideas?

You VM cannot pickup a DHCP address. So assign a static IP to HA with the following command (example assumes a network address of 192.168.0 with netmask - modify to suit your environment):

net update enp2s1 --ipv4-method static --ipv4-address --ipv4-gateway --ipv4-nameserver

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As the previous posts points out, VMware didn’t pass an IP address to the VM. My suggestion would be to make certain your VM LAN settings are correct. IE: “bridged” mode and the correct adapter is selected.

I assume I type this in the HA CLI window?

So I started typing then tried to flick back to the windows command prompt to check the address but couldn’t change to anything else. The HA window had focus and wouldn’t relinquish it. I couldn’t even close the VM. Is that normal?

Something wrong with your network or hypervisor config.

As [ServiceXp] suggested earlier check your hypervisor bridge then if everything OK check your physical network (routers, gateways, etc).

Ok it looks like I’m back in the game. When I checked the network adaptors in Windows the VMware virtual adaptor was there but not bridged (although I did select bridged when setting up the VM). So I bridged the connection manually from Windows, which worked however I couldn’t access the machine remotely. So I activated the wireless and now I can access the system remotely. Now to the onboarding.
Thanks for the help.

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I wonder if you only have the wireless adapter selected in VMWare network settings?