Tried so many ways. Pihole on Docker, Pihole on HA, AdGuard on HA (only because Pi-hole is no longer updated for HA). Would prefer docker, but don’t have skills for debugging.
before update I was able to open pihole admin page, but not run the service. After update it doea not work.
It looks like there are more then one dns services running because afguard cannot bind to Port 53. Are you sure you disabled pihole.
Btw an addon in HA is nothing more then a docker container, so not much difference then doing it from the command line. The only difference is the UI and the integration with HA.
The next thing is to change the DHCP server in your router to point every device to this dns server. Though I think it not being on port 53 might be an issue.
Can you run netstat -l -u on your system to check what is using port 53 and maybe remove that?
found setup instructions in AdGuard. but I can not insert as no colon sign. when I copied it, it did not work. without the :534 the ads loaded very slowly.
Yeah I think you are on the right track but there is still something running as a DNS server on your Ubuntu which you are using now instead of adguard.
I doubt that it is doing anything on port 534, so you may as well switch it off and reset your dhcp setting. I suspect it is slow because it is failing going to you adguard server and then falling back to your router.
I just tested this myself and I have the same issue. Also have no other services listening on port 53.
I’ve done some searching and testing and it is the systemd-resolved service which is the problem.
Would that be the same on Debian? I’m running OMV with HA on top and I keep getting the error:
2020/04/15 09:48:20 [info] Starting the DNS proxy server
2020/04/15 09:48:20 [info] Ratelimit is enabled and set to 20 rps
2020/04/15 09:48:20 [info] The server is configured to refuse ANY requests
2020/04/15 09:48:20 [info] DNS cache is enabled
2020/04/15 09:48:20 [info] Creating the UDP server socket
2020/04/15 09:48:20 [fatal] Couldn't start forwarding DNS server, cause: couldn't listen to UDP socket, cause: listen udp bind: address already in use
Presume it’s the same thing? How would I find out whats using it?
(I don’t want to disable it and then lose my OMV frontend or something as this is my first dive into Linux)
This only stops the service doesn’t disable it so after reboot or starting it by hand it will resume like before. Test if all works after that. If not, stop adguard again to free the port and run: