Project - CAT scare audio with ESPHome... How?

Hi folks!
We have an never ending “issue” with cats…
Not that I dislike cats, but when they use your garden/pathway to do their “number 2” it really pisses me off!

So the idea came up with a cat scare device.
As I’m totally new with ESPHome and ESP devices I need advice. I’ve just started with a couple of projects and really like the ESPHome easiness…

How would YOU do, what components would you use ?
I’m thinking bout to use a speaker with a dog sound, as I’ve object detection I could use frigate to send MQTT messages to my ESP… Object detection is fantastic with frigate and a coral device.

Frigate → object detection → cat → send PLAY to ESP → scare the sh*t out of the cat…

How would you do?


Not ESPHome but this guy has a bunch of these (mostly hilarious) videos showing how he handles unwanted cats (no cat’s were harmed…except their pride).


Haha, that’s a very good option… To bad the winter is near… :slight_smile: