High VERY HIGH amount of recognition or is it
Ours just tries anything…if service is not fast enough then claws are put where the furnitue likes it least. For us a non-HA controlled feeder is fine, just to make sure food is there all day long and we have no neigbouring cats so ‘lucky’
Thinking about possible solutions, I am not sure if spraying water or music would help, either ending up with a wet floor or music being played avery few minutes or so.
Clearly I am not much of a help, I will follow this thread though
There are various ultrasonic cat repellers available on sites like Amazon which are mostly aimed at keeping cats out of gardens (presumably to prevent then burying their sh*t).
Maybe you could download or record a short ultrasonic clip to see whether this would play over a speaker via Home Assistant. Of course it would depend on the frequency response of the speaker but I am sure a speaker could play a high frequency that humans cannot hear but cats can.