Proscenic M7 Pro

Thanks for the response. I verified multiple times that my loginuser and password are correct. What I’m not getting is my account is registered in US (country code 1), however, even if I pass in 1 response always comes back as 49. I tried multiple times logging out of Android app and logging back in while verifying credentials, and everything seems to be working fine there, but not on my desktop.

I am in the UK (country code 44) but I get back a 49. I think this is because the url,, Has de (Germany) and the country code for Germany is 49.

Putting the url in a browser gets a response. Dropping the .de or changing it to .uk does not so the url must included the .de.

I initial tried running the curl command on Windows but ended up using Ubuntu as it handled the environment variables better. It maybe something like that but I am not sure.

I think someone who is more skilled in this will have to help. Maybe the url in the US is different.

Thanks for the great work and for sharing your knowledge.

I managed to get username / token / SN via terminal commands.

I first struggled but finally got it.

Had to use UNIC terminal environment (tried first OSX with no success);

Logged out of Prosenic ios/android app

username must be eMail (not name)

But under home assistant it does not work.

I did the installation according

tried within secrets.yaml with and without ‘’ and " "

Rebooted several times.

vacuum.proscenic_m7_pro has status unknown

and activating the scripts
for instance

does nothing.

There is not even a log entry .

Not sure if I can activate debug log for “packages” to get further details.

Is there a terminal command string I can use to test with my specific credentials if I can activate the clean mode via terminal (outside of home assistant).

Any other idea?


unfortunately the vacuum is “correct” that it is in the “unknown” state because I still have to implement avaibility.
Having said that, in the secrets you must value it like this:

proscenic_username: [email protected]
proscenic_token: MYSECRETTOKEN
proscenic_serial: MYSECRETSERIAL

exactly as you get it from the curl commands you type in the terminal. once you have entered them and restarted HA everything should work correctly.
did you verify the above steps? do you get all the information like the token and serial?

you can use commands directly from the terminal, e.g. for complete cleaning you must use

taking care, of course, to replace SERIAL and USERNAME with your own specifics


thanks for coming back to my issue.

Have entered the credentials as you stated (tested also ‘MYSECRETTOKEN’ …).

Tested from unix terminal:

curl[email protected]

timestamp":“2021-05-18T02:19:56.787+08:00”,“status”:400,“error”:“Bad Request”,“message”:"",“path”:"/instructions/cmd21005/SCM6R00XXXXXXXXX"

I have to “admit” that I do have a M6PRO (and not a M7) but I think that this is not the issue as the two curl commands for getting SERIAL and TOKEN ae working fine.

It would be great to get it first working with normal terminal commands and in a 2nd step trying to get it work with home assistant.



curl -X POST

it may be however that the commands for the M6 Pro are different

tnx; unfortunaly same error

… “status”:400,“error”:“Bad Request”,“message”:"",“path”:"/instructions/cmd21005/SCM6R0…

so seems to be the “cmd21005” is different for the M6.

Is there any possibility to get the commands for the M6PRO (put a proxy in between the ios Prosenic APP and the www and try to read out the commands or something else?


Hi Andker! Any due date for the already found features? I’m waiting for the zone cleaning!! :slight_smile:

Also really waiting for these ones, would be great to see soon! :slight_smile:

hi i just bid a m6 pro and stuck at the same point. Any solution yet? thx

I was having the same issue as @ivolodin as I’m based in Canada and my results were empty on the second response. Doing some hunting in logcat, I found that the Android app is using for my region:

08-06 13:14:44.006 25257 25257 D RetrofitManager: RetrofitManager.BASE_URL =

Using that information, the command curl "$LOGINUSER" -d "username=$LOGINUSER" produces the expected results with my vacuums and serial numbers.

It seems that tw domain is not usable for the initial login request though. I do receive a token using the domain but still need to test if it works for the commands.

It works! I was able to start my vacuum using Postman with the token. Just replace with in all the URLs in rest_commands.yaml including host headers and it should work if you are in North America.

Hey all,
I followed the instructions by it does not work for me. When I run the first curl I always receive a different token, it this to be expected?

Hi guys, am i the only one where the scripts suddenly stopped working? If i try to use the commands to get serial etc., i only get “could not resolve host” responses, any ideas or did something else break?

just trying to set it up, also get curl: (6) Could not resolve host:
Didnt look much further into it yet, just trying to follow the installation

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The interesting thing for me is that it worked for about a year, and without any changes stopped working now, as if proscenic changed something

works for me for the first curl
for the second curl I get

{"code":0, "msg":"OK","data":{"content":[],"pageable":{"sort":{"unsorted":true,"sorted":false,"empty":true},"offset":0,"pageNumber":0,"pageSize":20,"paged":true,"unpaged":false},"last":true,"totalPages":0,"totalElements":0,"first":true,"sort":{"unsorted":true,"sorted":false,"empty":true},"size":20,"number":0,"numberOfElements":0,"empty":true}}#

any idea how to make the 2nd curl work?

EDIT: I AM GETTING equipcount 0 in curl 1, using my email and pw works to log in into their homepage or app

;/ any ideas ?

maybe curls are outdate cause nowadays one uses the Proscenic app instead of prescenic home
and its version 2.2.0 instead of 1.7.8


curl -v -k -X POST -H "os: i" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "c: 338" -H "lan: en" -H "Host:" -H "User-Agent: ProscenicHome/1.7.8 (iPhone; iOS 14.2.1; Scale/3.00)" -H "v: 1.7.8" -d "{\"state\":\"欧洲\",\"countryCode\":\"49\",\"appVer\":\"1.7.8\",\"type\":\"2\",\"os\":\"IOS\",\"password\":\"$(echo -n $PASSWORD | md5sum)\",\"registrationId\":\"13165ffa4eb156ac484\",\"language\":\"EN\",\"username\":\"[email protected]\",\"pwd\":\"XXXXXXX"}" ""

Maybe you have to use the ProscenicHome-App for registration and device setup first.
I did it yesterday and the commands worked for me.

I tried to login on their homepage, with my ProscenicHome-Account but it doesn’t work.
So maybe there are two different server for the two app-accounts.

I guess you changed all $PASSWORD to your password, in the command you posted you just changed one of them to XXXXXXX.

so does resolve and you dont get an error ?

I first enter the password at the first $PASSWORD but on an italian side they posted screenshots without entering it and getting the wanted result

the equipcount has to change to 1 right ? and It should always be the same token right ?

EDIT: btw I loggged into the APP beforehand, OH DO I HAVE DO USE THE OUTDATED PROSCENICHOME APP ? Instead of the new Proscenic app ?

PS: Did you have to use uppercase in the email ?

As I said, it worked for me, I just have to admit I’m from Germany, so you may have to change the URL, like the others said.

I didn’t use uppercase in the email.

I used the “old app” ProscenicHome, it was last updated summer '21.
The new Proscenic app was released at the beginning of 2021 and never updated.
The old one seems to me not that outdated.

(I checked that too, my account created with the old app, doesn’t work with the “new app”, so they are different servers I guess)

It should change to 1.

The token is changing, I assume they have to, cause you only can be logged in on one device, so every “login” with the command change the token.
But the don’t expire like mentioned here under Finding 6: