I am trying to prototype 3 blast gates being controlled by espHome in a workshop. Only one blast gate can be open at a time (opening one immediately closes the one that was open) and each has a single RGB LED which can be in one of 3 states:
Open (Green)
Closed (Red)
Blue (opening or closing).
I suspect that the opening closing duration would be 2-3 secs.
At the moment I am struggling to get a single gate working with these basic states. I just have a simple control on the dashboard to open or close the gate
Can anyone help me with the logic. I am relatively new to espHome and am going around in circles with Effects, on_light_on etc
Which particular bits are you struggling with? Have you got one gate opening and closing as you want? Have you got one light turning on/off as you like?
I take it the gates don’t have fully open/fully closed endstop/state detection?
My initial thought here was to set up each gate as a cover (perhaps a feedback cover).
As part of the open action, each gate would also close the other gates (with delays if required) and turn on/off lights.
You could also potentially do something similar with template switches.
What I’d do is create an internal template that’s set to the same value as your servo setpoint, I think it would be 0-100. Then use three different on_value or on_range actions to turn on the light to a specific RGB mix.
Thanks for your reply. I was struggling with the logic of whether to control the lights independently of the servo and thus whether to use to the native lights and output functionality or whether to link it more closely to the Servo state. I will have a look at both the covers and the templates you have suggested, but the short answer is I haven’t got either the gate or the lights working at the moment!
My hope was to start with a single servo. When it is closed the led is red; when it is opening (Or closing) the led flashes blue and when it is open then the led shows green. I then hope to add two more gates and the logic that said “if you open a gate, check that no other gate is open and if it is then close it”
But thanks so much for taking the time to reply and for your suggestions. I will look into those now but happy to have any further guidance if my answer has helped clarify
Firslty thanks for your suggestions but I am really struggling to make progress. I am not sure I understand enough about templates or feedback covers to progress. Worse even is that I suspect I should be using a state machine (and I don’t understand how to code that even if I understand the logic!)
I have 3 servos. Each servo controls a blast gate and each blast gate can be in any one of 4 states:
Only 1 servo can be open at anyone time. But of course a couple of servos could be in transition states (opening or closing) because we have decided to open a different servo. Each servo has a single RGB LED that reflects its state.
Open - Green
Closed - red
Opening/closing: blue
I am not sure is how to determine the servo value and even more confused now about Feedback Cover and templates! The blast gates do not have any endstop sensor, so a feedback cover would have to be time based, but I would rather use the position of the servo to determine the state ie Closed (-100) or open (100) and anything in between means opening or closing
I tried it by setting a number and I could get this to work ie -100 red led comes on; +100 green Led comes on and anything in between the blue led comes on, but of course I want this to be read automatically rather than for me to input a number.
Here’s where I am at (also known as lost!)
- platform: template
name: Servo Control
min_value: -100
initial_value: -100
max_value: 100
step: 1
optimistic: true
- servo.write:
id: blast_gate1_servo
level: !lambda 'return x / 100.0;'
- switch.turn_off: LEDred
- switch.turn_on: LEDblue
- platform: feedback
name: "Blast Gate Cover"
has_built_in_endstop: false
max_duration: 3s
device_class: garage
- servo.write: # close gate 2
id: blast_gate2_servo
level: -100.0%
- sensor.in_range: # This is not the corect way to read the servo position but not sure what is!
id: blast_gate1_servo
- below: 100.0
switch.turn_on: LEDblue
- switch.turn_on: LEDblue
- switch.turn_off: LEDgreen
- switch.turn_off: LEDblue
- switch.turn_on: LEDred
I reckon they are, but it’s definitely a matter of preference and different ways to approach it. Each gate has a very strong analogy to a cover.
Once set up it has all the states you need and the cover will report these states (which you can also access).
I would probably “create some endstop binary sensors from the servo values” (fully open/fully closed) using a binary sensor template if the best way to determine open/closed is from the servo value.
The approach you’re suggesting will work very well too and it’s probably “lighter touch”.
The cover approach will give you nice frontend controls.
I haven’t done this for ages and am not sure either. This post seems to have some info on creating a sensor for servo position. Seems harder than it should be. Once you’re tracking the servo position everything should get a lot easier.