PSA: Yale Home integration migration

The Yale home brand is being removed from the August integration. Migrate to using the new Yale integration as soon as 2024.9.x is released (available on the beta channel now) to avoid an interruption in service. This does not apply to devices that are sold in the USA market as these devices should continue to use the August integration.

The old API will stop working permanently on December 16th, 2024.

You can track the status of the new integration here:


Just want to say thanks for the update and your hard work on the integration, looking forward to whenever the new integration live


Until the new integration is done, I can metnion if anyone is using Smartthings, you can connect yale home app with it and then add Smartthings integration to HA.


The same is also true for Somfy users with hub. If you have cloud API enabled you can integrate via the Overkiz integration and get a lock/unlock entity exposed. Basic, but works in the mean time.

Thanks @bdraco for all the efforts so far on this and the split. Based on the PR’s I see this is no small undertaking.

I want to highlight the fact if Yale would have not implemented some idiotic ways in their API that the integration would not receive push updates the same way as their app, people would not start to ping it and reload the integration regularly to receive updates.

Home Assistant/Nabu Casa/Open Home Foundation/(insert any legal entity that representing any of the paid developers) has to start communication with these big vendors and agree on a fair use.

Otherwise it starts to be the joke of the 21st century. Vendors are coming out more and more cloud solution products with subscription models just to keep up with their cloud costs, instead of implementing secure local control. And once they realise they cannot cope with the cost they start to blame people who do not want to use their apps for control, because they are not interoperable…

Building of the Home of the Future is really fragmented, as these companies have no intention to invest into interoperable setups, but blame anybody who does it on their behalf, because it is overloading their servers…

It is just getting to be more and more ridiculous, because they thrive on these interoperable solutions, which they just award with a big middle finger.


Great suggestion. This works well enough for me for now. Arguably its more reliable because now I don’t have to manually restart the August integration everytime it locks up.

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And in full seriousness, looking at the other posts in multiple issues, and seeing the CloudFlare Ray ID comment, and some partially positive replies from Yale/August, but again saying Home Assistant is not an official partner, I can just repeat myself, which was deemed off-topic. (Yale Home - Global servers (via August integration) stop getting updates after a while · Issue #100798 · home-assistant/core · GitHub)

I noted in my next comment there as well (Yale Home - Global servers (via August integration) stop getting updates after a while · Issue #100798 · home-assistant/core · GitHub)

Of course, it is fun to reverse engineer things and make it work, but you stated as well, nobody wants that Yale would cut access. Who wants to have another Chamberlain/MyQ or MyMazda story?

And we are now 2.5 month later and Yale just cut access.

I can just guess, if I would search now, I would find a half dozen comments which are explaining people how to reload the integration every 10 minutes or so.


These discussions are always tricky with various vendors since there is usually no monthly recurring revenue to fund development or integrations. Would you be open to paying a monthly fee to guarantee that integration and partnership could be adequately funded?

Do you mean that Yale should pay to Home Assistant to get integrated? Of course they should! As they could have a Works with Home Assistant logo on their website and on their products.

Besides the jokes. Currently Yale is paying a monthly fee to CloudFlare to avoid people using their API with a home automation system, because they deployed a system which requires some sort of keep alive communication for a simple pub/sub.

And what would guarantee that a monthly fee would keep the integration floating and would they spend it on development.

Google bought Nest, introduced a paywall to integrate it to any home automation system (besides SmartThings, but SmartThings is not exposing those devices). People paying to get access to a cloud service to access their cameras, and the service is just not working. Their API is returning wrong or not authenticated URLs to access a camera feed. There is an open issue with Google but nothing has changed for a year or so. Nest Camera stream API returns 404 Not Found · Issue #60353 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

The issue is basically with Google’s Device Access API, which is a paid service, but still no resolution to it.

I really just wait for the moment when a reasonable lawmaker will plow the industry for this type of lock-in, anti-competition, crooked money grabbing and e-waste production. Many companies would deserve it!

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Does anyone know if it works with HomeKit? I have the Yale Linus that is compatible with HomeKit, apparently it adds it without problem, but it does not block or unlock… have they also blocked Apple’s HomeKit?

Apple homekit is working, but you have to confirm the pairing in the app settings under the proper device.(In Yale Home app)

The PSA should read
GET your shit off the cloud.
I would never have a lock that was cloud based that’s crazy …


If you are looking for a local control option for the lock in the mean time

They work best with an Ethernet connected esphome Bluetooth proxy. I have also had great success with this Bluetooth adapter

It requires August dev login to work (time-to-time generates a new bluetooth token.
So it works until the token expired, but then You will not able to use it until the next integration update.

Create a second owner account so it generates a unique key and don’t use it on your phone and it will never rotate

It was true until april-may, but at first, it was not reporting back the state (so people restarted the integration and that triggers the DDOS avent) and then it also drops with expired key under Yale Home (I had that solution)

We worked very hard this weekend to get a temporary solution in 2024.8.3 that will allow the old integration to keep working for a limited time while we work on the new one.

If you have an automation to frequently reload or wake up the locks, please remove them, as the limited time will quickly become very short if Home Assistant users continue to overload the API.

If your account is blocked explicitly because of abusing the API, 2024.8.3 will not restore access.

Everyone using the Yale Home brand will need to switch to the new yale integration as soon as it is available.


@bdraco, thanks for your hard work, but the old integration is not working for 10 months, that’s why people keep reloading it.

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