So I am wondering if anyone has or will be working on integration for PumpSpy sump pump monitors.
I found this page because I’m looking for the same thing.
Likewise keeping an eye on this thread.
Same here.
Same for me. Just got an entire inside drain system setup with a sump pump and backup pump monitored by PumpSpy. I’d love to pull this data in.
Hey all, I went ahead and created a custom integration for Pumpspy. I have the Pitboss+, which is basically the same thing. The integration is called Pumpspy-HA. It can be installed via HACS. I haven’t done a ton of testing on it as I just finished it up today, but should be a good starting point. I’m hoping the daily/weekly/monthly tallies keep track within home assistant. You can find the repository here:
Try it out and let me know what you think. What works/doesn’t work, what needs to be added, etc. Some of the sensors have attributes for supporting data, such as the battery level has attributes for voltage, time checked, etc.
This is awesome! Thanks so much for your hard work! I installed it and everything seems to be functioning! I will update you as I use it.
What system are you utilizing with this, a pitboss as well?
Crewski, im not seeing it pull data for my PSO1000 pump outlet, but maybe i need to await for it to repoll?
As of right now once the access_token expires the data won’t update. I reached out to Pumpspy about not using a refresh_token (which they aren’t as far as I can tell) so I need to figure out to re-login if its expired.
@fdlou147 I would think the API calls for a pump outlet would be the same, but maybe they aren’t. I really need to work on logging things better in the integration to see where the issues are. I tried to document the API for my own use, but maybe it’ll help us figure out the pump outlet. You can find it here: Pumpspy API - Google Docs
I used Postman for this. First you need to do a POST request to get the access_token. Then a bunch of GET requests in order to get your user id, location id, device id, then the data.
I added this integration (thanks for creating it!) But the last cycle times show up as “54 years ago - aka the Linux epoch” and the RSSI value is zero, even though it shows “Connected” Any idea why that might be? The pump hasn’t run in a while as it’s winter here and probably won’t run again until March. The iOS app shows the correct data.
I am having the same issue. It has never read the first time. I deleted the configuration when I updated to 1.4 after 1.3. Really would like to see this work. Anyone else having this issue.
Hey guys, sorry I didn’t see this before, I had my notifications set wrong. Version has been in beta for a bit but I just released it to the main stream. There was some issues discovered between systems with a battery backup and systems without using different endpoints. I still get issues with connection but the code now retries on its own. Give the update a try (you may need to delete/reinstall the integration) and let me know if it corrects the issues.
Hey guys, I’m looking to buy one of these types of systems. This one seems to be the only one with a HA integration (thanks @Crewski). Anybody have anything bad (or good) to say about the combo system? It’s $728 so I thought I’d ask here first. Thanks!
I have the Pitboss+ (only sold to professionals I think), which has the primary and battery backup pump. It has been very reliable for me. I had an issue with high amp draw alarms but was able to fix it via an OTA firmware update they pushed. I’m near a bottom of a hill and my exterior drainage is shot, so on rainy days my pump gets a workout. Take today for example…it’s only 8am my time. I have only had the system for a little over a year though, so can’t speak towards longevity.
Hey thanks for the reply! I went ahead and purchased the combo unit. I’ll probably get it installed next week. I’ve heard too many stories lately about basement floods and yeah, today mine is getting a workout too. Eventually my single pump will wear out, probably with horrible timing.
I’ve already got your integration installed and I’ve created a PumpSpy username/password and I’ve logged in through your integration and can see the location I created in the PumpSpy app. Since I don’t have any devices at that location yet I don’t think I can do any more but, just wanted to check it out ahead of purchasing! Thanks again for creating! Also - strange coincidence, looks like we’re both in the Cincinnati area (I’m in Mason)!
Nice, I’m in Liberty Twp (the Lakota West side).
I’ve got it up and running! Thanks again @Crewski
Looking good! There is an issue with the weekly where on Sunday it doesn’t count it as part of the week. At some point I’ll look into it.
Great work. Got the Pump Spy integrated but now I’m get this error message in the system log;
2023-04-30 14:01:18.365 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.pumpspy_ha] Error requesting Pumpspy data: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer