Push Notifications now available!

Thanks yes confirmed all set
Just trying to use the below but get unauthorised. not sure why.
I have created the long live token

http://#######:8123/api/camera_proxy_stream/camera.foscam_camera?token=long live token

Why are you using this now when previously you said you tried to use /api/camera_proxy/camera.name These are not the same thing. The reason why you use /api/camera_proxy/camera.name is because the app uses the base_url and applies authentication itself. Also the API you have in that URL is not correct.

Got it sorted thanks

I can’t seem to get clickaction nor action: URI working. I tried the following 2 scenarios:

    - action: URI
      title: View Live
      uri: /live-cameras/front-porch
  image: 'https://homeassistant.local:8123/local/doorbellpress.jpg'
  tag: doorbell
message: Doorbell Press

  clickAction: /live-cameras/front-porch
  image: 'https://homeassistant.local:8123/local/doorbellpress.jpg'
  tag: doorbell
message: Doorbell Press

Those are the correct paths – it does not have “/lovelace” at the beginning because I’m using a non-default dashboard in 0.108. I’m able to see the image in the notification, but if I click on the image or click on the action, it just takes me to the default home assistant page, not the one specified in the code. Any ideas?

Hi I was able to get to work by using the url ie

  clickAction: 'http://####.co.nz:8123/lovelace-front_door/default_view'

you need to link to /lovelace like the docs highlight: https://companion.home-assistant.io/docs/notifications/notifications-basic/#notification-click-action

Edit: also lovelace dashboards are new and I don’t think are supported yet only views are.

Thanks @Kelvin_Sudlow
I tried your suggestion and it works, but opens up a browser app instead of opening the android app. A good workaround until dashboards are supported I suppose.

Feel free to open a feature request on github to get it added, lovelace dashboards were added after the app supported navigating to a lovelace view.

Will do. Thank you @dshokouhi

what is that logic program flow app you’re using there pal?

Looks like Node-Red

It’s Node Red

Ah, So it is.
Dangerous thing - a little knowledge (in programming!) :slight_smile:

I was playing around with the ttl and priority settings in order to let the notifications more time in case there is no internet access.
What I noticed:
Before I make those changes, the notifications never arrived when there was no internet connection (normal), even if there was some seconds later.
Now when I was trying ttl and priority codes, I noticed that notifications arrived when I had again internet connection (trigger without internet connection on mobile, turn on internet connection after some time). I deleted this code and I received again the notifications that had been triggered when I had no internet access.
Ok, this is odd. Deletting browser’s cache didn’t affect anything. Any thoughts?

I have two phones linked to HA. I skimmed through the tread and maybe I missed it but I would like to be able to send notifications to one phone and not the other. Is this possible? Let’s say a family member comes over frequently and I want them to be able to access the app so they can ARM/DISARM, turn off and off lights, but don’t need them getting all the notifications that I want to setup. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Each phone has a unique name in HA. Just send your notification to the one you want.

Ah so instead of using the “service: notify.notify” use “service: notify.mobile_my_phone” ?

That’s how you SHOULD already be using it.

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Thank you flamingm0e I am still pretty new to HA, when I first saw setting up notifications it said to use notify.notify so that is what I used. Thanks for clearing that up.