Push Notifications now available!

This is great ! Two days after I configured hangout … what a waste of time. It doesn’t really work anyway so happy to ditch it for this.

Any way to tweak the notification ? Right now it’s just a couple of very light vibrations, that’ll never wake me up. It’d be nice to have a way to use this for alerts, but it’d need settings like K9 to configure how many vibrations it triggers.

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Has a github issue been logged to fix this?
There needs to be a better way than manually tweaking the config_entries file.
I guess that families with 2 same model phones is very common (I’m one of them :slight_smile:

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Great work @robbiet480. This is awesome. Thank you so much.


Thanks, works.

I had to uninstall and reinstall the app to get it working but it’s working perfectly.
I was just looking into the source code yesterday to see if I could help get notifications working and then saw that it’s already released.
Great work!

Can i change the name of the notify service? because my girlfriend and me, we have the same phones. So the notify service got the same names…

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I have uninstalled the app and integration a few rimes and still can’t seem to get it to work. The app register and I call the notify service but I keep getting the same error:
Internal server error, please try again later: That is not a valid FCM token
Any ideas on what I can do

Thx for the tip!

I’m assuming you found these directions in the wild and they werent compatible with your phone. Or they were insufficient in terms of how far they go back

  • long-press home screen
  • press widgets
  • drag the “Settings” 1x1 widget on your screen
  • choose “Notification log”

I never bothered to look actually. Not that important to me. I wish the app would handle a log for me.

Thanks for the tip though

Is images now supported or not? I though only text for now? And not image: … So how do you add an image to the notification?

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Node red example above works great


It can be done straight from a call service node too, with timestamps, if you use the alternate template tags.


    "message": "Alert",
    "title": "Your garage door was opened at {{ as_timestamp(now()) | timestamp_custom('%I:%M%p', true) }}.",
    "data": {
        "android": {
            "notification": {
                "image": "https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0f/7b/fa/0f7bfa4e6775b5977694a6036fc85b48.png"
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cool url works
but i think it has the same issues as html push notifications, if you send for example a camera snapshot, you will see the cached versions, and not the new image … not tested yet though

what about an url, is thats also possible with that alternate tags?

if someone wants to use the image from a camera, and is facing the cache issue (same as html), cause image file is always the same, use this one below in your automation, the end of the string image is always unique, to it will push a new non cachec image… offcourse change the name of your automation…

'https:/xxx.nabu.casa/local/images/snapshot_deurbel.jpg?{{ states.automation.your_automation_name.last_triggered }}'

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would you mind sharing the whole code including how you created the snapshot image with the timestamp?

Ok, ,Will do tomorrow, but it’s nothing more then taking a camera.snapshot, and then sending an image with the example above :wink: