Push Notifications now available!

Right here in this very thread…

Actually we’re both wrong!

I tried changing the names from what they were as I suggested and the personal name my phone had stuck to what it was originally, it was just a coincidence that I tried to change it to the same thing.

It’s defininitely the phone that is reporting the personalised name but I’ll be buggered if I can work out where it is as it is none of the usual suspects!

This is great! No need for thirdparty paid software just for the push notifications.
And could not be easier to implement :slight_smile:
Thanks a lot!

Thanks @flamingm0e, saw the image but missed the syntax. Works great with my camera snapshots, Thanks!
Would be perfect if url functionality could be added to open up the camera feed when selecting the notification. Worked in HTML5 notifications until the legacy API password was depreciated, couldn’t get the tokens to work with camera url either…

Great feature. I already switched from Pushbullet to this … But I can see that notifications with camera snapshots take longer to appear on my phone than it was using Pushbullet.
Does anyone have similar experiences?

Have you excluded the app from battery optimisation?

I have some alerts coming though Pushover still (high priority repeating alerts) and the difference in receiving Pushover and app notifications seems negligible for me.

Yes I did turn off battery optimisation. I’ll do some more digging. Today it appears to work just a little bit slower so maybe it was just human error :wink:

Should HA server http port open to allow HA sends notifications?

If you use nabu casa then not, otherwise you need to open a port. Your HA needs to be reachable from outside your home network, otherwise push notifications will not work.

will there be a notification dismiss like html5.dismiss option in the future ??

This might be better suited to the Nod Red section, but anyway. Is there a way to pass the Body of an MQTT message into a notification? I can’t figure it out for the life of me, but I’m admittedly very new at Node Red.

The string in the set message node is {“data”:{“message”:“msg.payload”,“title”:“Home Assistant Alert”}} but that doesn’t work it just sets the message as written msg.payload .

Ahh , the reason is maybe the image? I am also using pushover , they are always instant delivered… While these notifications with this app are always with a delay if phone is in sleep… Also disabled battery optimalization

First you need to move the payload to another msg object so that you can access it INSIDE the payload.

output your entire payload before the service call to msg.message (or anything you want)

Then access that data with {“data”:{“message”:“{{ message }}”,“title”:“Home Assistant Alert”}}

Hi, is it correct the images in notifications work for Android 10 and don’t work for Android 9?

I have both OS’es and code which works for Android 10 doesn’t work for Android 9. It just doesn’t show the image. Same version of the Android app are installed (latest).

I use Android 9 and images work for me, via nodered, but I wouldn’t think that would make much difference. My example is earlier in the thread.

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Hello. I am trying to call a service with a simple message
message: “text”

and get

Cannot connect to host mobile-apps.home-assistant.io:443 ssl:None [Connect call failed ('', 443)]

I checked this IP with telnet and port 443 closed.

I tried on two different servers HA. Is this service no longer available?

Hey man! Having a similar issue here where the images don’t show, (only got one phone to test). Did you found a solution?

Hi, yeah for me it was something really simple actually. When the phone has no internet connection it doesn’t show the image.

For me the Android 9 phone was in power saving mode not letting he HA app connect in the background. You can allow this in the app configuration from Android.

Please tell me if it’s likely that some IP address pools are blocked?
I get error:
Cannot connect to host mobile-apps.home-assistant.io:443 ssl:None [Connect call failed ('', 443)]
I tried ping from home ( and work ( to mobile-apps.home-assistant.io and it works. But cmd command telnet mobile-apps.home-assistant.io 443 tells me could not open connection to the host on port 443 connect failed
If i use telnet mobile-apps.home-assistant.io 80 - port open…
My friend uses a different provider and everything works for him.

I understand what the problem is, server ip address is blocked by Roskomnadzor =(

That worked for me! Thanks!