Pushbullet error in 0.52

I have no experience with linux systems so… maybe its a stupid question but:
Replacing file is possible only by using terminal ? I tried to do it from my PC (by reading PI sd card) but file system at the card is not recognised by Windows.

Can someone give me quick instruction what commands should i use ?

Im using Hass.io instaled on Pi3

curl -o /localpath/filename.ext http://www.website.com/path/to/file/whatever.ext

actually, you’ll probably have to use sudo

sudo curl -o /localpath/filename.ext http://www.website.com/path/to/file/whatever.ext

Uhh… looks like at Hass.io is not so easy.
Thank you avalanchevm for your help, but i didnt even get into place where i could use these commands.
After reading some “linux basics” (and gaining my “linux skill:rookie” badge lol) i tried to find where pushbullet.py file is located in Hass.io, to rename it (and keep old version just in case) and copy new one.

I logged in by putty and wrote command:

find . -name pushbullet.py

In effect i got… no results. So i quess file is not found. To check where “i am” exactly, i tried:

ls -a

And got:

. … .ash_history

So looks like… there are no any folders ? Or (most possible) im doing something wrong. What can i do now ?

(Reminder: im using Hass.io running at Pi3, logged by putty at root account)

After reading again whole topic i did something different. I do have samba addon running so i do have access to “config” folder. As adviced in posts above i created folder:


saved pushbullet.py file in it, and restarted my Pi. Will check if its working in my case.

Unfortunatelly in my case pushbullet still does not work, i dont know what is the problem, but creating folders in “config” folder - by samba, and putting pushbullet.py in it didnt helped.
I think i will wait till next update.

After update to 0.53 Pushbullet notification still does not work. Im not sure if update did not fixed the issue, or im still messing something up. Example of my code created by automation editor (worked before 0.52) :

- action:
  - data:
      entity_id: switch.flowers_switch
    service: switch.turn_off
  - data:
      message: Flowers lamp OFF
      title: Flowers OFF
    service: notify.pushbullet
  alias: Flowers OFF
  condition: []
  id: '1503244813649'
  - at: '20:00:00'
    platform: time

Any ideas ?

Errors in the log?

Hey Daniel,
Your presence is making miracles :wink: Its working ! What i did ?
Before update i removed a custom_components/notify folder with pushbullet.py file, just to be “safe” (because i added it manualy). Without this folder notifications were not working in 0.53.
After your post i reminded myself that i removed it, just to check i created needed folders again, and saved pusbullet.py file inside it. Now i do have my notifications back :slight_smile:
Thank you for your attention !
