Qolsys IQ Panel 2 and 3rd party integration

Probably should have specified I’m in QC, unfortunately Telsco don’t service here! :frowning:

Fluent was ok to sell me a panel only but was way overpriced, and wouldn’t want to give me the codes anyway.

Hesitating to buy directly a panel in the US since it seems it’s possible to buy one without contract, and have the codes, but prices are not cheap.

Does anyone know if it is possible to get thermostat temperatures through this integration? I do not need to control the thermostat but would love to be able to easily see what the current temperature is.

If you’re still looking for IQ Panel 4, i can definitely help you out with that. email me at [email protected] and we’ll make something work.

Hi Anto, I’m struggling to get my IQ panel token, I have the IQ2 like you and the 3rt party is not showing, what did you do to make it work?

There are 2 passwords, dealer and installer password.

You’ll need the dealer password. That will expose what you need.

Do you have this password?

I have the dealer password, but still not showing the 3rd party :frowning:

What software version do you have?

Version: 2.7.1-ADCS 9.7.2

One way to check for certain if you have the dealer password is when you go to users you’ll see installer password and user password. Do you see that? If you just see the user passwords then you’re using the installer password.

It should be there if you have the dealer password for sure.


This is so strange. I went to my panel to see where it is and it’s actually missing also! I mean I know it’s working the integration is working perfectly fine but I can access the control4 menu anymore… Did they move it or change something?

that’s what I wonder, I have for sure the dealer code, and everything seems to be right, but is not showing there, do you have the IQ REMOTE DEVICE as well?

is that something new on your panel?

You definitely have the dealer code, and so do I. I do have 2 iq remotes, yes. My panel and remotes are almost 6 years old, they are not new for sure.

Perhaps if someone else can confirm that they are also missing the control4 on later versions of software I’m running 2.7.2.

They must have moved it somewhere because like I said it’s working perfectly fine for me.

If they did move it then probably the installation instructions might have to be slightly changed

This option called, “IQ REMOTE DEVICES” was there with the 3rd party, or is this a new option for you as well?

Maybe it was replaced with something new

Found it! It’s in the dealer settings now?!

where exactly?

can you tell me where to check? settings → advanced settings → ???

get dealer code, then:

  1. Swipe down from the top menu bar and select Settings.
  2. Touch Advanced Settings and use the dealer code
  3. Touch Installation.
  4. Touch Devices.
  5. Touch Wi-Fi Devices.
  6. Touch 3rd Party Connections

wait…it was always in the dealer code…i just realized that.

I don’t understand what’s going on, I do exactly what you said, but I cannot see that option, also, at the options, I can see installer settings, not dealer settings, but the passwords is showing the installer user as you saw in the previous image

Yeah it’s confusing, the instructions I posted above are the correct ones. You definitely need the dealer code not the installer code. I think this is where the confusion started.

I think you are right, I don’t have the correct code, it is 4 digits so I’ll call my provider and see if I have any luck (unlikely), if not I’ll start trying a few codes every day until I find it :frowning:

Anyway, thank you very much for your help, I think I’m on the right track.