It might be the case that you need to delete and reconfigure the integration in order to select an existing power sensor. (Let me know if that’s the case) Also, do you see a numeric value for flowRate for the flowMeter? For me that is currently the issue, resulting in COP unavailable but that seems to be an issue with my flowmeter.
I have currently two improvements planned, one is the options flow to configure and change the settings (IP and power sensor) when already set-up. Secondly, to better detect entities that should be disabled or enabled. For example hp2 is currently disabled by default for everyone and OpenTherm boiler data is enabled even when boiler is connected through one-off, resulting in a bunch of unavailable sensors.
If you have features or ideas, I’m happy to hear them
I see values for both flow rate and flow meter.
I don’t have a power sensor that measures the power consumption of the Quatt. What do you use for this? What device I mean. Quatt does not expose this info in the API yet, right?
And yes, I had to remove the integration and re-add it to see an option to select power sensor. But for now this is not helping since I am missing this power sensor to measure HP electrical power consumption.
When and if Quatt exposes it, your integration might need an update to automatically use this data.
Finally got time to test out the integration. Working quite nicely on this end! Now next steps are how t create a nice Dashboard for the Quatt.
I am envisioning a image of the quatt in a standard home setup (So an image of the Quatt, a Central Heating furness and the pipes in a diagram). So i can add all of the devices in one simple overview.
I created a overview in PPT, but not yet happy with the way it looks, yet.
The API provided by Quatt only gives reading possibilities. So this is what @mbotje has integrated.
Point of the integration is that it is a simple method of integratie your Quatt into HA with all of the different sensors by only typing your up-address.
I can connect to my thermostaat through another HA integrations so I am able to control the heating and the extra sensors added by this integration help in that proces.
The API now exposes power information. Unfortunately it’s only instant power (powerInput). I’d love to see statistics about kWh. But I guess there are ways to compute that from instant power. After reading a bit, it seems people have been able to calculate kWh from a W sensor using the Riemman sum integral:
@mbotje this would be a nice to have: kWh calculation from the powerInput W sensor to track power consumption.
I believe I can confidently confirm that “power” is the heat power output, similar to how @krizzziz calculated his Quatt CiC Heatpower. The values are very close to each other. And power input is electrical power used instantly.
So @mbotje I am a happy user of the addon. Works great! Saw an update of the integration displaying the power device. Really nice! Keep up the good work.
I agree that energy in kWh is more useful than power. I don’t know if it’s possible to configure a Riemann sum sensor from this integration. We could do a simple Riemann ourselves off course. I think it would be better if Quatt would expose the total energy used through the API.
The power and powerInput are already added to the integration by another contributor. So I’m happy to see the integration gaining some traction and I’ll try to keep adding the new features as they become available.
Yesterday the integration has been accepted in the default HACS repos so no every HACS user can find the Quatt Integration without adding a custom repo
@mbotje any ideas on how we can utilize the COP calculation you have in the integration so we can make a NEW COP value like a daily/weekly/monthly/yearly average?
I am now checking my COP for that day in the graphs…
Ik heb 4 sensoren in HA gemaakt om de input power en de heat power in Watt om te zetten naar kWh. Ik ben nu aan het vergelijken met de grafieken in de Quatt app en het komt redelijk overeen.
Mocht je interesse hebben, doe er je voordeel mee…
- platform: integration
name: "Quatt Power Input kWh"
source: sensor.heatpump_hp1_powerinput
unit_prefix: k
round: 2
method: left
- platform: integration
name: "Quatt Heat Power kWh"
source: sensor.heatpump_hp1_power
unit_prefix: k
round: 2
method: left
Dit levert een continue oplopende waarde, dus daarmee het totale verbruik in kWh. Om deze vervolgens om te zetten in een dagelijks verbruik, heb ik nog twee extra sensoren aangemaakt met de Utility Meter (