The official documentation covers this.
If you look at this link, and click the words that say:
check out our alternative installation methods.
You will be linked to this page:
From there you simply click the version you want to install…
The official documentation covers this.
If you look at this link, and click the words that say:
check out our alternative installation methods.
You will be linked to this page:
From there you simply click the version you want to install…
That’s homeassistant still not which is what I want to switch too. All I can tell is that you got to ways to use… pi image or docker.
You can’t do a VENV install of hassio. This has been mentioned many times in the forums.
Because hassio REQUIRES docker, since…hassio literally runs on Docker. Hassio is literally impossible to run without it, since docker is the underlying technology for it to work.
If you want hassio, you will have to use docker. Either docker running on a Linux machine or via HassOS. Either way, it’s docker.
Why do you want hassio?
Isn’t hassbian being retired at some point ? Figured I might as well get working. Shame can only run as a docket image…
I guess you haven’t read anything in this thread?
OK…so go ahead and switch?
I guess you aren’t understanding how hassio works…
What’s with the docker phobia anyway?
I think that the DSM definition uses one word, ie dockerphobia (not docker phobia).
It became rampant a while after we were hit by dockermania.
However the cure is simple: most dockerphobiacs find that even a mild exposure to docker alleviates their symptoms.
Holy Crap!! You’ve got to be freakin’ kidding!
Go on and admit it…you’re just trolling now aren’t you?
Just migrated to from Hassbian. Holy shit it is so elegant. I love it. What a brilliantly ingenius solution. Now I can just focus on what I want to get done rather than software maintenance.
I really didn’t want to use Docker, but the fact that I don’t have to worry about new software configs as much, about updates, about restarts, it’s just great.
Thanks to the devs for all their hard work!
You are using docker
I think he knows and just states the fact that he did NOT want to use it, but know that he uses it, he thinks it is great
At the beginning I decided to use instead of hassbian… And I have no issues, including control of my Pi from via command line
I hope now HA developers will have more time for creation of other new features
You have very basic control via command line. None of the normal Linux tools that some of use on a regular basis are available
Hmmm… just for my understanding, could you provide some examples of what tools you are talking about?
Pick a Linux tool you might like. I like mc or ranger for file management. Go ahead and use those. I’ll wait. Or ncdu
Maybe I just didn’t get your point, but do you want to view terminal window through Lovelace?
I can run any command from and I’m using it in automations to start/stop various services outside docker.
And yes, it’s possible to run ncdu and store the result to file
His point is that you can’t run it on hassos through terminal, via ssh. Also, using your method gets wiped if you were to install things via that method. I.E. if you install something or change a config, a restart will wipe it.
This has literally nothing to do with the interface, since the interface is the same no matter how you run Home Assistant.
No. I don’t want to view terminal window in Lovelace.
Not from within hassio, or hassos.
No it’s not.
Ahhh, ok. I’m talking about running commands outside docker from, while you mean to run commands inside docker