Random "Google Assistant unable to reach Home Assistant Cloud by Nabu Casa"

Same here, this is been ongoing for a long time for me, have tried everything and nothing seems to cure it.

The only thing that appears to make a difference as mentioned by others is that when I remove the NC from google and then re added it it appeared to cure the issue…but only for about 24 hours.

I see multiple posts / comments about this issue across multiple media formats dating back but what I have yet to find is any actual real feedback or fix relating to the issue.

So I am left assuming there is no fix and to be honest it’s really souring my whole home assistant experience, probably because everything else about home assistant rocks and works solidly.

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Everything seems to work fine but almost constantly getting the error that the cloud is not available. It’s like Google can send the signal to perform the action but is not getting a response to say the action has completed.

Would be nice to have a time frame on a fix considering this particular service (the Nabu Casa cloud) is a paid service.

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Joining the chorus. It’s literally the first and only issue I have had with Nabu Casa Cloud, but it is persistent and frustrating. I’m still in transition from SmartThings and now considering starting over with one device, Google Home, and NC Cloud to see If I can get anywhere. If not, this is a show stopper. :fearful:

Yeah, thought it was something I did wrong. So didn’t bother to debug. But seems it is not my fault. It is a nuisance, would be nice if this was fixed… Mainly because I think non paying solution will not have this issue :wink:


I’ve had this issue for quite a while, too.
Issue a command such as turning on a light, and light turns on just as Ms Google tells me she can’t reach Nabu Casa.
More recently though, the behaviour has changed slightly, the difference being the light won’t be turned on.
Either way, a repeated command ALWAYS succeeds.

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Same problem here. I have to reset my server a few times every day Google Assistant works like a charm again for some hours. It seems like everything is frozen when it happens, locally and cloud. When I reboot, it executes all the commands I’ve tried to run in one go, flashing lights like crazy.

I have the same issue as well. The commands seem to work but google still states that it can’t reach the cloud.

Just adding in I’m also experiencing exactly the same issue.

“Issue a command such as turning on a light, and light turns on just as Ms Google tells me she can’t reach Nabu Casa. Either way, a repeated command ALWAYS succeeds.”

As a paying customer (who is happy to support HA development!) it is frustrating that an ongoing issue (with the paid service) can’t be resolved.

I’ve been having the issue a lot in recent days and I’m wondering if it’s simply a timing issue where the response from the Nabu Casa server is taking too long for Google and producing the error message

I have this issue as well but I also had it before I moved my setup to nabu casa. The setup without nabu casa it couldn’t reach my test app configured in Google but the light bulbs still reacted to it. Now it’s the same with the message can’t reach nabu casa.

I wonder if it can be fixed or if it is just a Google thing…

This issue still persists. It puts me off using nabu casa cloud as it makes the system way more unreliable. I have respect for the developers, but as this is a paid service, it needs to work reliable and bugs should be fixed more swiftly. I have family members complaining for weeks already :wink:

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Many times a day recently.
Didn’t realize it wasn’t only me.

Everything else about Nabu Casa has been working so smoothly except for this. Looking forward to devs fixing it. The lights still turn on but ~1/4 the time give the home assistant cloud error.

It’s very frustrating but I’m a happy paying customer otherwise.

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It can’t be a Nuba Casa issue it must be google related, I and several others have experienced exactly the same issue when using our own google cloud service / project without nabu casa.

I had this issue using nabu casa so set up my own google project and disabled nabu casa and had exactly the same issue.

So… possibly interesting. I found that one of my lightbulbs was no longer reliably responding/dimming when controlled individually. It was in the group that used to always give that error. Replaced that bulb and discarded. Have not seen/heard the issue since. Anyone else tried swapping out devices?

I used to have several connectivity problems, both from cloud and intermittent minor errors internally on my network. So now and then I got the infamous “There was a problem reaching nabu casa” from google.
I have merely 19 devices on my network, never had a problem that made me think my router was having any trouble (Internet was fast, never failed on streaming, no phone/console/laptop ever disconected, etc). But 4 days ago I got this Deco M5 | Deco Whole Home Mesh WiFi | TP-Link and I have jet to hear the error again. I haven’t lost wifi control of my tv, haven’t got “There was a glitch, try again in a few seconds” error, not a single light had a delayed power toggle response…

It’s too soon to say, but I think that, specially on networks with more devices than mine, the delay caused by old or “basic” ISP routers (Mine was modern and fast but clearly was poorly handling my net) even when the connection is working might be enough to upset Google Cloud.
I’ll report back if I get an error again but so far so good.

While I am sure this may be the case for some, I have a very costly prosumer grade network and my HA server is running on a server connected via wired ethernet so I highly doubt my issues are wi-fi related.

I’ve been seeing this issue pretty much since I started using Nabu Casa earlier this year when switching from SmartThings. Most of the time the command works fine but I still get the error response from my Google Assistant devices. It’s largely more annoying than anything.

i also see this issue since a half year or more, i hear like, google was unable to reach … but the actual light was actually turned on…

now since 2021.12.x , i see this :

2021-12-13 19:30:49 WARNING (MainThread) [hass_nabucasa.iot] Unable to connect: 504, message='Invalid response status', url=URL('wss://cloud.nabucasa.com/websocket')
2021-12-13 19:30:57 WARNING (MainThread) [hass_nabucasa.iot] Unable to connect: 503, message='Invalid response status', url=URL('wss://cloud.nabucasa.com/websocket')
2021-12-13 19:31:07 WARNING (MainThread) [hass_nabucasa.iot] Unable to connect: 503, message='Invalid response status', url=URL('wss://cloud.nabucasa.com/websocket')

for testing i have now disabled google state reporting, maybe this will eliminate those stupid messages

Seems to happen for me with everything from input_boolean helpers to dimmable light switches which have been added to Google Home. Took a while, but after getting the non-Nabu Casa Google Assistant integration set up, I haven’t been getting the “Unable to reach” error anymore. So unless it’s a coincidence it does seem to have something to do with Nabu Casa in my case. I do have a rock solid network connection.

I use nabucase, and after disable state reporting, I don’t have that unable to reach error anymore…
Normally it was like 4/10 attempts