Raspberry Pi 3 - Problem with All-in-one installer

Hi all

I thought I give this a try but it seems that I didnt have much luck. I got the error message below on fresh Raspbian Lite install on 64gb MicroSD card running on Raspberry Pi 3

I didnt run the command as root as per instruction, I ran it as normal Pi user.

[localhost] out: Reading state information… 0%
[localhost] out:
[localhost] out: Reading state information… Done
[localhost] out:
[localhost] out: Calculating upgrade… Done
[localhost] out: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
[localhost] out:

[localhost] sudo: useradd mosquitto
[localhost] out: useradd: user ‘mosquitto’ already exists
[localhost] out:

Fatal error: sudo() received nonzero return code 9 while executing!

Requested: useradd mosquitto
Executed: sudo -S -p ‘sudo password:’ /bin/bash -l -c “useradd mosquitto”

Disconnecting from localhost… done.

Looks like your mosquitto user already exists - have you run the installer before, or have you already had HA set up on this pi? Try using userdel mosquitto to remove it and run the installer again.

This was a fresh install but I will try your suggestion and let you know

I tried again on a fresh FULL raspbian running on Raspi 3. Same result, however I seemed to be stuck on this screen for quite sometime and it’s not progressing. This was the same case with my previous attempt and it eventually failed to the same error message I mentioned in in my first post.

I have the exact same problem. I tried the installer 4 days ago, and it went through 100%. But yesterday I wanted to install on another PI for one of my friends, and the error that you describe happened. Exact same message on the exact same spot. Both systems had a fresh Raspian Lite image on them. I tried running the installer on the freshly installed image 2 times yesterday, both failed on the same spot.
Maybe there has been some git check in that broke the installer.

ok great, so im not insane here :slight_smile:

I remember reading on gitter feed one of the dependencies changed and is causing a hiccup. Look a little deeper or pose the question on bitter when it gets busy in there.

didnt have any luck on gitter chat. i guess i will just have to install the old way for now.

I got this error today.

[localhost] out: Processing triggers for dbus (1.8.20-0+deb8u1) …
[localhost] out: Errors were encountered while processing:
[localhost] out: bluez
[localhost] out: E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
[localhost] out:

Fatal error: sudo() received nonzero return code 100 while executing!

Requested: apt-get upgrade -y
Executed: sudo -S -p ‘sudo password:’ /bin/bash -l -c “apt-get upgrade -y”

Disconnecting from localhost… done.

Seems like the problem is with bluetooth stuff.
Because earlier in the process I got:

[localhost] out: Setting up bluez (5.23-2+rpi2) …
[localhost] out: Installing new version of config file /etc/dbus-1/system.d/bluetooth.conf …
[localhost] out: Job for bluetooth.service failed. See ‘systemctl status bluetooth.service’ and ‘journalctl -xn’ for details.
[localhost] out: invoke-rc.d: initscript bluetooth, action “restart” failed.
[localhost] out: dpkg: error processing package bluez (–configure):

Hi all

I had a success (could be a newbie blunder here)

How I got it to work (but maybe this is one time luck) but you should try it.

  1. Install fresh raspbian
  2. MAKE SURE you run sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade.
  3. Run the AIO script.

It worked for me! good luck!

Just to add.

I believe, the fresh Raspbian, you need to let it as fresh as it can be, including not changing the default user “pi” and also leaving the default password as “raspberry” before running the script.

I’m getting this with fresh Jessie lite install. Any thoughts?

[localhost] out: Processing triggers for dbus (1.8.20-0+deb8u1) ...
[localhost] out: Errors were encountered while processing:
[localhost] out:  bluez
[localhost] out: E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
[localhost] out: 

Fatal error: sudo() received nonzero return code 100 while executing!

Requested: apt-get upgrade -y
Executed: sudo -S -p 'sudo password:'  /bin/bash -l -c "apt-get upgrade -y"

Got this working. Make sure you do all the standard Rapbian stuff before running the installer. So:

  • Set new password
  • Expand File System
  • Set Locale
  • Set Time zone
  • Wait for network
  • Update and upgrade

Once I did that all went well. It was mentioned in instructions. Hope this helps.

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Sane here i have only problem with all in one installer now i get the same error few times that: it received nonzero return code 128 while executing ‘git clone https://github.com/OpenZWave/open-zwave-control-panel.git’!
and another one just few lines down libopenzwave-0.3.3-py3.4-linux-armv6l.egg/config’!
I will attempt to start it again hope this time will get trough.
PS i deed fallow the instruction us explain.

well, i think it worked on the last attempt. I assume it work because it the installation finished with:
[localhost] put: Makefile -> /srv/hass/src/open-zwave-control-panel/Makefile
[localhost] sudo: make
[localhost] out: g++ -c -Wall -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-inline -Wno-format -g -DDEBUG -ggdb -O0 -I /srv/hass/src/python-openzwave/openzwave/cpp/src -I /srv/hass/src/python-openzwave/openzwave/cpp/src/command_classes/ -I /srv/hass/src/python-openzwave/openzwave/cpp/src/value_classes/ -I /srv/hass/src/python-openzwave/openzwave/cpp/src/platform/ -I /srv/hass/src/python-openzwave/openzwave/cpp/src/platform/unix -I /srv/hass/src/python-openzwave/openzwave/cpp/tinyxml/ -I /srv/hass/src/libmicrohttpd/src/include -o ozwcp.o ozwcp.cpp
[localhost] out: g++ -c -Wall -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-inline -Wno-format -g -DDEBUG -ggdb -O0 -I /srv/hass/src/python-openzwave/openzwave/cpp/src -I /srv/hass/src/python-openzwave/openzwave/cpp/src/command_classes/ -I /srv/hass/src/python-openzwave/openzwave/cpp/src/value_classes/ -I /srv/hass/src/python-openzwave/openzwave/cpp/src/platform/ -I /srv/hass/src/python-openzwave/openzwave/cpp/src/platform/unix -I /srv/hass/src/python-openzwave/openzwave/cpp/tinyxml/ -I /srv/hass/src/libmicrohttpd/src/include -o webserver.o webserver.cpp
[localhost] out: g++ -c -Wall -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-inline -Wno-format -g -DDEBUG -ggdb -O0 -I /srv/hass/src/python-openzwave/openzwave/cpp/src -I /srv/hass/src/python-openzwave/openzwave/cpp/src/command_classes/ -I /srv/hass/src/python-openzwave/openzwave/cpp/src/value_classes/ -I /srv/hass/src/python-openzwave/openzwave/cpp/src/platform/ -I /srv/hass/src/python-openzwave/openzwave/cpp/src/platform/unix -I /srv/hass/src/python-openzwave/openzwave/cpp/tinyxml/ -I /srv/hass/src/libmicrohttpd/src/include -o zwavelib.o zwavelib.cpp
[localhost] out: g++ -o ozwcp -g ozwcp.o webserver.o zwavelib.o /srv/hass/src/python-openzwave/openzwave/libopenzwave.a -lgnutls /usr/local/lib/libmicrohttpd.a -pthread -ludev
[localhost] out: webserver.o: In function Webserver::SendTopoResponse(MHD_Connection*, char const*, char const*, char const*, char const*)': [localhost] out: /srv/hass/src/open-zwave-control-panel/webserver.cpp:332: warning: the use of mktemp’ is dangerous, better use mkstemp' or mkdtemp’
[localhost] out:

I dont know if this is the wait it should be finish or it is missing something.
My pi rebooted and i can load the page and MQTT works other than that have no idea.

Anybody else has the same experience, is this normal???


@adifoto Did you ever find the solution to this error?

With the last attempt that is my last comment and finished with: [localhost] out: it sims to be working fine although i expected different finish on the console.
I am using a raspberry py model 1 and it deed took couple of hours to finish installation. All i am using it works fine and that is mqtt and limitless lights. So what i recommend is keep trying and if does hang somewhere you do have to start from the beginning. I tried few times to rerun the command and it keep stooping in the same place. Hope this helps.

Thanks for the reply. I am using Z wave devices at the moment. I followed the other guide and installed the Z wave portion and everything seems to be working now. Thanks again.

No problem i am glad you made it work. Probably mine will not work with Z wave ether, don’t know since i am not using them. Just in case if you don’t know, www.bruhautomation.com has a yotube channel and lots of videos about HA. Ben is preaty good on helping if he can of course. Have a grate day/evening depending on what hemisphere you are.


I’m having a problem with the AIO installer too, it always stops at

Running setup.py bdist_wheel for cython … \

I have done a fresh install of raspian and done the apt-get update/upgrade commands and tried the install on a model A and B (1st gen PI’s) but the installer always fails at the above step, any suggestions?