1 - Linux command to mount bootpartition (fat16):
sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdX1 MOUNTMAP
X = sdcard boot partition, for example /dev/sdc1
MOUNTMAP = map to mount the boot partition to, for example /mnt/temp
2 - Parameters added to the config.txt (used for testing):
## poe_fan_temp
## temp0 is lower speed fan, temp1 is high fan speed.
## Current setting is fan turns on at 50C, turns off when it comes back down to 45C.
## If the temperature reaches 55C it will go full blast until it drops back down to 50C.
3 - Unmount (in Linux: sudo umount /dev/sdX1
4 - Insert SDCard in RasPi4 and connect to PoE switch. The RasPi should boot.
5 - Find the RasPi Ip-address and connect with: http://IP_ADDRESS:8123
6 - Finished the install (could take 20 min) and login with new username/password. Enable Advanced mode in the user settings.
7 - Install File editor add-on and start it.
8 - In File editor add to configuration.yaml:
# https://www.home-assistant.io/components/sensor.command_line/#cpu-temperature
- platform: command_line
name: CPU Temperature
command: "cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp"
# If errors occur, remove degree symbol below
unit_of_measurement: "°C"
value_template: '{{ value | multiply(0.001) | round(1) }}'
and validate the configuration.
9 - Restart the Home Assistant (server).
10 - A temperature-cpu-monitor-badge is added to check the current cpu temperature.
11 - HELP!! The fan is still not doing anything at all
RasPi 4 (4GiB) with Raspberry Pi - PoE-HAT (2018), fan is working with Raspbian Buster.
Home Assistant version: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 64bit
HA System:
Hostname homeassistant
System HassOS 3.12 (64b version)
Deployment production
arch aarch64
dev false
docker true
hassio true
os_name Linux
python_version 3.7.6
timezone Europe/Amsterdam
version 0.106.5
virtualenv false
So what I’m doing wrong??
How can I check if error’s are there (by checking using the SSH & Web Terminal add-on, for example, and Linux commands)?
EDIT: I can see the actual temperature when using:
cat /sys/class/thermal/cooling_device0/temp
Where can I find the trip-points (low/high/hyst)?
Other links I found, which maybe useful: