Raspberry pi zero 2 w

Will be posibile to install home assistant on raspberry pi zero 2 w? It has the same cpu as raspberry pi 3


It may eventually be possible but for the best experience the pi4 is probably the minimum.

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Hi @AlexMihai

I bough on raspberry pi zero 2 w and I tried all the already ready images available and no one worked.

I had to use raspberry pi linux and install manually the HA.

The performance is very good, very similar to RaspBerry pi 3. Just increase the swap and it will work nice.



Do you have a link to the image or the exact selection using the Raspberry Imager?


hi @mboroff

I got them here: Releases · home-assistant/operating-system · GitHub



Just for info, I am testing this as well.
I have not been able to boot haos image from above GitHub. Neither rpi0 or rpi3 image.
Did a standard Raspberry PI 32bit Install (via Pi imager), then configured locals, wifi etc. Finally installed docker and pulled the pi3 HA docker Version.

So far everything seems to work stable and very responsive. Next step will be to connect Zigbee adaptor and test some Zigbee stuff and other integrations.

  • Installation:

curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh
sudo sh get-docker.sh
docker -v
Docker version 20.10.10, build b485636
sudo docker run -d \
   --name homeassistant \
   --privileged \
   -p 8123:8123 \
 --restart=unless-stopped \
 -e TZ=CET \
 -v /home/pi/ha:/config \
  --network=host \

hi @Mjhansen

I did the same installation as you did, and it is working very responsive too.

To be honest I Was looking forward for a HASSIO image like the others, running supervisor, etc… too

But I think it will be available soon, since this RPi Zero 2 W version is very good

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The Pi Zero 2 is a great little device, but I fail to see why you would want to install HA on it. It only has 512MB RAM, no Ethernet, very limited USB connectivity. I don’t really see the point of trying to squeeze HA onto it rather than on a Pi3B+ (which is equivalent or better than the Zero2 in all aspects) or a Pi4.

HAOS has always been a memory hog, that’s going to be a very subpar experience with only 512MB. If you absolutely have to run HA on that device, then run a venv or Docker install.

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I agree that Pi3/Pi4 is better suited for HA, especially due to ethernet. That being said, for my particular use case this PoC is for a small satellite location to replace a “faulty” IKEA Hub with 10 devices, and also allow some usage of other Zigbee devices and still retain Homekit integration. Wifi would also allow me to place the “HA” in a central place without ethernet, and so far the wifi experience seems much more stable on zero2 compared to zero1. Memory wise the base deployment consume 193MB.

Although this installs HA, it does not include the Supervisor on the left sidebar. I need to add two apps from the supervisor store. They are terminal and node-red.


i need the Supervisor too, did a snapshot auf my old zero wh and want to rebackup the new zero 2.

Do you want to run Home Assistant and Node-Red on Pi Zero ? :man_facepalming:

In my case, my production HASS, let’s say, runs on a Pi 4 with 8GB of RAM. I have a Pi 0 running HASS with Node-red and other add-ons for POC/Test purposes. So it fits my requirement. It is not so fast, but it works. And now I would like to replace my Pi0 W by the Pio 2 W.

If it’s for test purposes then it’s ok, I thought you are running a production instance on Pi Zero 2 W.
@agners is there a chance to create an image for Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W?

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I don’t have one, but I guess might be worth considering. Can you create a feature request?

If you look at what he posted, it never had any intentions of running the things you mentioned. Running code you copy and pasted form the interwebs isn’t the best option if you dont understand what it’s doing.

There’s plenty of reasons. Personally, I plan on using it to just handle my “infrastructure monitoring” which includes things like my battery and solar systems. It’s just going to gather data at those devices and push it into influx with most of the local services disabled.

I think it’s critical that people understand the limitations of using this hardware, but if you do, it’s a great edge node.

If it’s purely about data acquisition, then using a Pi Zero 2 with Home Assistant is the completely wrong approach, as far as I see it. It’s using the wrong tools for the wrong job.

Data gathering is a relatively simple task that is perfectly suited for microcontrollers. From an ESP, over an Adafruit Feather to the Arduino MKR or IoT families, just pick one. They will gather your data, possibly do some light weight preprocessing and send it over to your actual data processing system (typically HA around here) over something like MQTT, modbus, or whatever other protocol you choose. Telemetry protocols like MQTT have specifically been design to do exactly this. No need for a PiZero2 or a second (or third or 4th…) HA instance on a device that is purely dedicated to gathering data.

And if this is a remote area where you need some on location database processing and storage, then why would you use HA to do that ? Just push the data directly into influx.

That’s your opinion. There’s more than one way to architect a system. And for what I need and want it to do, it’s the perfect tool for the job.

I’m using the integrations within HA for my infrastructure devices because they’re already there and they work. There’s no value for me to try to reengineer the same things in the form of an ESP. I just want something that continues to collect the data if/when I’m working on my main instance of HA.


This instruction worked for me:

Starting from section 2. HA+Supervisor. Packege configuration for raspberry pi3