Raspberry Pi4 B model 4GB Ram Home Assistant installation show below error and halted

Also check what your MTU is on your router (should likely be on WAN settings on most routers and should default to 1500 - need to know itlf it’s set to anything else… Anything smaller on any router between you and the download can cause issues - the HAOS container uses 1500. Insert technical reason why MTU even matters later. )

Ive seen a number of these weird can’t install issues because an MTU is set too small somewhere between the client and the source server so while it resolves it won’t download - but same error message (that error needs to be updated to denote bad name resolution v. bad download IMHO)
Reference posts: (no don’t edit your MTU down unless you confirm it’s a problem…)


@Vijay_Naru and @automatt
First, try disabling IPv6 in your HA installation and restart HA. If this doesn’t help, try disabling IPv6 in your router.

It’s not uncommon, that the DNS for ghcr.io is only resolved to IPv6, and that can (not must) cause problems. I’d say, it’s a 50/50 chance, so worth a try. :slight_smile:


The solution I found for the problem was to edit the DNS on the raspberry side of things.
In the beginning I changed the DNS on my Router and it did not work, I set it to the Google DNS
So I tried used commands such as “network update end0 --ipv4-nameserver” and did not have success.
I also tried " dns options–servers dns://" as @Tamsy suggested and it did not work for me.

So I used the command “login” to enter a different command window , where I used “nmcli con” will display the connection and the name of your host, mine was “Supervisor end0”. So I used “nmcli con edit “Supervisor end0”” to enter the nmcli environment. If you use the command “Print” you will see all the network parameters. My DNS was blank and set to automatic. So I used “remove ipv4.dns” in order to remove all entries from the ipv4.dns value. Then use the command “set ipv4.dns” which is the same as I set in my Router before . Enter "print"again and confirm the ipv4.dns value is correct. Finally enter “save” and “quit” to apply the changes and leave the nmcli container.

Then I “exit” to be returned to a login prompt, and use “root” again to enter the “ha >” CLI . So, I used “Host restart”, waited for a couple minutes and reload my webpage windown

After 10 minutes Home assistant was working properly.

Thank you for all that tried to help .


Yep, you were right with DNS - again… :laughing: :joy:

Trouble is the solution isn’t always the same, some people simply set up another DNS server on their router, other times (like this one) its more complex.

Maybe we need a cookbook entry.

I’m with you. In my case it was DNS as well, but only the IPv6 DNS (hence my suggestion).

If you want to, please do a cookbook entry, I wouldn’t know how to handle all the totally different cases… :slight_smile:

On Github your will find all versions which can be retrieved with a little trick.

replace the last 11.0 with any release version you want to download.

Here the important question is when Version 11.0 has got installed without any problem and in the similar settings of router etc, then what is the need of changing settings.