Rate limits with Netatmo Weather Station

Hi all,

Over the past two (maybe three) days my Netatmo weatherstation has stopped updating in HAss with this message in the logs

pyatmo.exceptions.ApiError: 403 - Forbidden - Application usage reached (26) when accessing 'https://api.netatmo.com/api/getstationsdata'

This seems to imply I’m hitting some sort of rate limit. The Netatmo website rate limit docs say that I can have “200 requests every 10 seconds” so I’m not sure what’s causing this error.

Anyone seen this before? Have Netatmo changed something or have I broken something?



I’ve started hitting this too.

I’ve noticed this yesterday. I am already investigation quick measures and a long term solution.

Are you using the HA Cloud link or did you setup Netatmo via configuration.yaml with your own key/secret?

I’m using the HA Cloud. My HA runs as a docker container but I’ve used Configuration > Integrations for anything that doesn’t need tweaking.

Until I have a fix the workaround is to use configuration.yaml. Sorry for the inconvenience.

I have the same problem since last night - Also using the Cloud link.

Do I just add the netatmo-settings to the configuration.yaml or do I have to remove the automatic integration first?

Are there sideeffects on the existing devices or do they stay the same?

Yes, right now you have to remove the integration, restart HA and re-add.

Side effects on the existing devices are not known to me and the entities should come back as they were before.

I’m back online with the configuration.yaml solution.


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Thanks @cgtobi - It worked as you wrote.

All entities are back online and a in-between-server less…

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