Weird Netatmo behavior (perhaps not HA related)

Since yesterday I have very strange situation with my Netatmo Weather Station, that is no longer exposing any sensors to HA. So, everything started when I noticed that my weather card shows no info regrading current weather from Netatmo. Initially I thought that there is something wrong with configuration or integration initialization, so I made some routing troubleshooting, including several restarts of HA, Netatmo itself, etc…No change.
Weather station sensors seems to work fine - I can see status in mobile application. But then I checked how the status looks at and noticed something weird… All sensors, from all modules report properly current conditions, but the history graph went off, exactly at the same time as also HA stopped to record their states. So to me it seems like something is broken on Netatmo side for me. Here are the screenshots from Netatmo web page and my config showing the case:


In integration configuration I can see all of modules being almost properly reported (all modules are listed, but not their battery state):

And when checking configuration of individual modules, it turns that none of sensors configured on specific module is available:

Anyone else noticed similar behavior and potentially have some solution?

HA 108.0
Sensors report propery to
But show unavailable in HA.
Tried to delete and readd Integration.
But Linking the Accounts hangs at Nabucasa.

There is a error in the Netatmo Cloud connection. To solve it you have to switch to a private connection.

See Rate limits with Netatmo Weather Station

Documentation: Netatmo - Home Assistant

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I’m using private configuration (if I understand this correctly) - my Netatmo is configured via configuration.yaml using client_id and client_secret. But it is also visible in Configuration->Integrations (I did not confiured it there :open_mouth: ).
So I removed integration via UI, I made sure that Netatmo is properly configured in configuration.yaml (as descibed in documentatio), restarted HA and now all Netatmo entities are gone ( theya re not present at all, not just unavailable).
EDIT: Solution was to remove integration and add it again… Now everything seems to work OK again… the only issue is that all entities changed their names :frowning:

When you run the integration config flow you gotta choose to use wither configuration.yaml or the HA Cloud. Currently we have issues with the HA Cloud version as we’re hitting Netatmos API limits. Workaround is to use a personal Netatmo dev account in configuration.yaml.

There should not be name changes unless you changed the names which would then be reset. If otherwise, please tell me so.

HA 0.108.8
I reactivated the configuration.yaml entry and restart but no sensors in the list.
Home Assistant is listed as a third party app list in the netatmo app.

To help you, you’d need to provide a bit more information. :wink:

I think it is crucial to do all steps:

1.) Remove the netatmo integration via configuration->integrations->netatmo->trashbin
2.) Restart HA
3.) Add integration via configuration->integrations->"+"->netatmo
4.) Select configuration.yaml in the next question, then you will see “Netatmo:configuration.yaml” in the configured-tab, but not all entities
5.) Restart HA
6.) All entities should come back with the old names - That’s how it worked for me

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These are exactly steps I followed and all my 43 entities changed from sensor.netatmo_xxx to sensor.netatmo_pogodynka_xxx. BTW for Neatmo I created config some time back around v0.8x and was not touching it ever since then - only moving from pure yaml to Configuration ->I ntegration -> yaml mode (but actually this did not changed entities names).

I’ve installed my HA around 0.101 and had the station-name in the entity-name from the beginning.

Maybe different to your first installed version…

Maybe at some point the default of the Netatmo-integration was changed from yaml-config to the clould-linked-version? I don’t know, as I use HA not long enough.

The change of sensor names was actually introduced in 0.102. Maybe you just didn’t notice it before.

My entity names changed as well.
0.104 with yaml and 0.107.7 with config flow used the same shorter names.
After editing lovelace it works well, but to keep the long term statistics I will have to change the old names using a SQL statement.

Well, still no joy with netatmo.

Integration is deleted as shown here:

HA is configured in netatmo dev as shown:

Configuration.yaml configured

  client_id: 5eaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxdf54f 
  client_secret: fHfoDTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxpzAmaY

Home assistant exists as third party app in

Upon restarting logfile seems to show proper setup:

2020-04-23 22:52:03 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setting up netatmo
2020-04-23 22:52:03 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of domain netatmo took 0.0 seconds.
2020-04-23 22:52:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event component_loaded[L]: component=netatmo>

no entities are created in HA but the Station is found on the network.

Did you add the integration again with configuration.yaml selected?

Oh, I’d noticed! Now I had to rebuild my whole lovelace setup to update names, history configuration and some automations using netatmo data… Hard not to notice such change :slight_smile:

Well I thought I did. But it was hanging.
Now just redid it … and it worked!!!
Thanks a lot

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So if I understand this right, we need to restore the old configuration.yaml config for netatmo, then also add it as a UI integration?

Not sure what you mean by ‘the old’ configuration.yaml config but in general there are two ways to set up the integration as documented.

Your line

Did you add the integration again with configuration.yaml selected?

From my beginnings with Home Assistant in 2017 it was added as a GUI integration I used configuration.yaml to set up netatmo, then when it was added as a GUI integration I altered things.

Since 109.x I’ve had to uncomment my original netatmo lines in configuration.yaml and re-add via integrations.

I only learned this from your post.

It was this clunky method to which I referred.

Sorry, I don’t understand what you mean. Nothing changed in 0.109 in regards to the Netatmo integration.