Ratgdo - local mqtt control for your Chamberlain/Liftmaster security+ 2.0 garage door opener

excited to receive my 2.5 and finally action a todo that has been long postponed (get garage control off the cloud) that has been forced by the myq api changes (thanks for forcing me to do what I’ve been meaning to do anyways!).

Unfortunately I am stuck on the preparing installation screen on the retgdo web installer for mqtt integrations.

I downloaded the drivers linked on the page, and I’m accessing the page with a chrome browser. It pops up a dialogue to select the port, I select the port, it says connecting, I then have an install ratgdo or logs and console option I click install, it asks if I want to erase the device, I click erase and next, it asks to confirm, I click install… and then perpetually preparing installation.

I have read other comments about cables (power only vs data) but presumed if I could get to this step this cable is seemingly transfering data or is that a mistaken assumption?

I have also read other comments about drivers, but figured if I had downloaded and installed the linked drivers from the page I should be good (granted it says “most d1 minis use ftdi usb to serial” it doesn’t say that for sure the one used in my build does lol)

Any tips would be greatly appreciated! Happy to kill one of my few cloud connected devices and regain my HA integration.

I agree with your conclusions about the cable and driver. Other than rebooting, trying on a different machine, etc, what happens if you try to download a basic config to the board using the ESPHome addon? If that succeeds, at a minimum it should connect to WiFi.

Can you add external sensors like Temp or CO2? Just curious. Still waiting on mine.

I had the same issue, but was able to get it resolved by…changing the COM Port Number in Windows-Control Panel-Device Manager, and checking the box for ‘Enabling the Serial Port Enumerator’ in Advanced Properties.

Looked through the documentation and didn’t see a description of what the links on the Diagnostics actually do. Anyone know?

I think the first is the wall button state and next three are the optional DRY relays.

Interesting that I don’t have the last one at the bottom with the network icon.

How many volts & amps can these dry relays handle?

Is pushingthe sync button in the ratgdo the equivalent of pushing the yellow button on the garage door opener to add a new remote?

That’ll be dictated by the relays you attach.

I am having frustrations setting up the device using MQTT

In the config, I set the MQTT IP to the HA IP and port to 1883.

I then configured the username and password to be equal to the MQTT username in HA.

I get the following error:

2023-11-19 16:40:41: Client maingarage disconnected, not authorised.
2023-11-19 16:40:41: New connection from on port 1883.

thanks for the screenshot, I had seen your previous post about these settings and didn’t entirely follow, but the screenshot makes it much more straight forward - except I don’t have a ports option on my device manager, which makes me wonder about my drivers… time to check them again

So it was a driver issue, I’ve now moved onto a new problem. The device seems to take a very long time to connect to my wifi. When I look at the logs it takes over 500 attempts… is this normal? it would seem not lol.

It isn’t “normal”, but it isn’t unheard of, particularly in areas of poor coverage.

How is the wifi coverage in the area where the ratgdo lives? It’s important to recognize that the opener itself could block the signal quite well if your wifi access point is immediately opposite where you attached the ratgdo.

This is inside the house on the same floor as the router, haven’t bothered installing it on the opener yet because of this issue noticed during initial configuration.

The signal strength (per command prompt) us 86% on my laptop.

Do you have a lot of devices online? This sort of issue also shows up when your DHCP pool is too small.

Also, have you tried rebooting the router to see if that helps?

I have 2 garage door openers and 1 gate. Can 1 ratdgo support multiple openers? Or do I need to get 3 ratdgo modules to support this?

Yes, one unit per opener.


Review the threads about gate compatibility, not sure if they are supported. There is a fair amount of discussion on gates I haven’t paid attention to.

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Heads up to any one with this model you need to put the red wire in 0 instead of 1, or else you will get this error [ratdgo:467] Collision detected, waiting to send packet.
All working perfectly with it in REF 0

it seems they have added a dry contact option back in on some models.

Can some one please update this as I can’t comment on it Multiple Messages [ratdgo:467] Collision detected, waiting to send packet · Issue #245 · PaulWieland/ratgdo · GitHub

Installed my unit today, works incredible! Using ESPHone firmware, only thing I noticed is that if the light is turned on via motion sensor (door opens or someone walks in front of garage) then when it turns off after the configured time the Ratgdo doesn’t seem to report that off status back to HomeAssistant.

Has anyone seen this on their end? Should I give the MQTT firmware a shot?

I’d open an issue on the github but it seems to be locked.


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Does anyone know if the ratgdo package might appear as “A C I Shipping” (using parcel select lightweight) from USPS? I see a label created as of a couple days ago and wondered if that might be the ratgdo getting ready for shipment. I found several search results mentioning ACI in reference to Ali Express/Chinese small eletronics. I definitely haven’t ordered anything else in that category. Obviously, I’ll still need to wait for the package, but would be nice if that turned out to be the ratgdo I ordered earlier this month.

Just received two units and have one installed and working! Thank you Paul and all the contributors that have made this project possible. A couple of YouTube vids are coming online, but it’s all pretty simple. Hardest part was getting into my automations (have had HA for over 6 years, still manually programming) cleaned up with all the work around related to the MyQ disaster. And to all the contributors to MyQ that diligently kept MyQ working, my hats off to you. But now I have a local source, not connected to the internet and the automations run soooo much faster!

Thank you Thank you Thank you!

Side note, I used MQTT HA assistant. I have a HomeBridge set up to connect to HomeKit gateway in house. Reloaded the bridge, poof…Siri control instantly.

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