Ratgdo - local mqtt control for your Chamberlain/Liftmaster security+ 2.0 garage door opener

Here’s hoping. It’s always nice when it’s something easy.

If it helps any, I worked out that it was a wiring issue on an obstruction sensor because my garage door wouldn’t close and the light blinked when I was testing functionality much like if something had broken the beam. Really made troubleshooting easy.

That’s my only hesitation is that my garage door is otherwise working fine…I’m just hoping connecting the Ratgdo will reset it and sync it back with the opener

Unless you make any major, permanent changes, I would assume you could just move the wires back to the GDO to regain regular functionality if all else fails. Just in case I messed something up, I spliced everything together using a lever connector so that I didn’t have to make any changes to the original wires.

At first, it totally bomed out…disconnected, everything went unavailable, etc…hysterical…5 mins later…it all connected accurately! Really strange is that I had the rolling code counter almost exact, but a few over what it ended up being. Regardless, it’s working! Wasn’t necessarily the wiring but I wouldn’t have just hooked it up as it didn’t make any sequential sense that it would, especially after failures in the same manner…don’t care…it’s back! Thanks, man!

Glad to hear it’s working! Sometimes it’s just the darnedest things.

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Does anyone know if the backorder timeframe has shifted at all? It has said 3 weeks since the time I placed my order a little over a month ago but I still haven’t received any shipping notification and am wondering if it has been delayed further (possibly due to increased demand from the Chamberlain fiasco).

There’s an order status page here: https://paulwieland.github.io/ratgdo/order_status.html

I would say it has shifted a bit – I ordered mine exactly four weeks ago (Nov 8), and it just arrived (last night or this morning) for kitting. Looking at the history of the Order Status page, it looks like he can kit about 8 days worth of orders in 5 days. So I’m hoping to receive shipping notification sometime next week. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks, I was definitely not aware of that page! Yeah, looks like I’m probably in the same batch then. Appreciate the info!

I have on old HBW0777. Help with wiring appreciated.

Does 1 go into red ctl, 2 into wht grd, and 3 into Blk obst. On the ratgdo 2,5i board
I believe that I can connect directly with a 3 wire correct?

That appears correct, yes. I don’t know operating voltage of your obstruction sensors, so that would be the only concern I’d have about your approach.

Got the same issue here. I have 2.0 board Before anyone ask:

  1. Yes have triple… 10x check all wiring is correct.
  2. Some posting suggest wiring white wire to the white pin next to red to the garage door pin (which is the wall mount control pin). Done that don’t work.
  3. [ratgdo:467] Collision detected, waiting to send packet… happen when the esp d1 is plugin to the shield and just by itself.
  4. Tried 4 different esp mini d1. All have the same issue.
  5. Tried install via MQTT version, result is the same no go…
  6. Tried endless time pressing yellow round button, press sync on esphome, open and close garage door does not fix it.

So question are we sure the FW or coding is written correct, or did i get an bad board?


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Looking at your wiring, you may be running into the same problem I did with my standard opener wiring… the spring terminals on the opener suck.

I had an intermittent connection for my wall switch – thought it had gone bad. Replaced it, no joy. Went up on a ladder and pulled the wires out of the terminals, twisted them really well, then put them back in – all was then good.

I can’t speak towards your other questions, but it’s possible the solution is this simple.

I am seeing the same behavior. Did you find a solution?

Installed my ratdgo v2.5i.

Very nice to finally have local control.

ESPHome firmware has alot more controls than the default MQTT firmware.
Does anyone know why the motion detection sensor never triggers? I do have a motion sensor built into my wall switch and that does trigger the lights.

Requested Chamberlain to delete my MyQ account. Good riddance Chamberlain.

That a good point, so i crimped all the wire via ferrule pin, than used a muiltmeter to check the continuity before inserting back into the garage connection terminal. Nope still the same. So maybe i got an lemon.

About to take this on and have the same setup as you…did you ever find out about the wall control? Guessing it would not have an affect however this is Liftmaster…

No I did not. I tried to contact the developer on several different platforms, but haven’t heard back. He’s likely getting a lot of support requests now. I was waiting for someone like you to make the jump :grinning:

As far as I’m aware, the ratgdo works in parallel with the wall control – it doesn’t interfere and simply acts as another device on the bus. Any functionality in the wall control shouldn’t be affected.

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It seems to catch it after a few minutes which I can live with. Not immediate on off but there is a loop it must go on to figure out state and it does figure it out with time. I just wasn’t waiting long enough.

I have a garage door with the purple button / security+ 1.0. I understand with the 2.5 update the ratgdo is now compatible. one thing I’m not clear on is can the hardware track the garage door close / open state without additional contact sensors? other solution all seem to need additional sensors so I’m confused.
house was built in 2014. as far as i know my opener does not have any app / smart capabilities