Ratgdo - local mqtt control for your Chamberlain/Liftmaster security+ 2.0 garage door opener

Just got mine hooked up and all is working as expected. Very nice project! I’m using the ESPHome port, I like the simplicity.

Death to the MyQ cloud, what a nightmare that has been.

Unrelated side-note: The D1 mini that came as the package from Paul came DOA. I ordered a pack of them from Amazon and found the new board rev has a USB-C port instead of Micro-USB which was kind of a bonus.

Have you verified that those pins work if connected directly to the gdo?

Hi guys…umm…moderate newbie here, but got fed up with the MyQ stuff
I’ve not had great luck with the ESP boards to date so I’ve got my Ratgdo boards here and I’m slightly less than petrified to someone destroy/corrupt/erase(?) them
USB hook up, go to the ratgdo esp web installer, I’ll be using mqtt so just click the blue connect button…here’s where I get uncomfortable and I apologize…obviously Install Ratgdo, don’t check the “erase device” button, correct?
Again, apologies…I’ve gotten through everything as a newbie but these boards. They stopped me dead for some reason so even the smallest direction would help.


Maybe this helpful?

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If it is and I somehow missed it, then my apologies…I did search before I asked but sometimes threads don’t cover when things go wrong and like most newbies, we find creative ways to uncover those…I’ll check it out…thank you!

Not yet. I was waiting on verification.

Honestly I would pay vastly more money for this than the inexpensive cost of the board. It came yesterday, and in about 15 min it was up and running and I booted my device from wifi. I have wanted this for YEARS! Thank you for making this work. It took me 15 min because I count find my wire cutters for a bit…

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In addition to the fully local control, I think one of the best things about having the ratgdo in place is the extra sensors/controls.

Most interesting was the number of openings: 8,251! How many openings does everyone else have??

Ok, I just love the acronym, but would anyone happen to know how one is supposed to pronounce Ratgdo? It’s killing me every time I see it, and since I have backordered one, I will be seeing it a lot.

I have a two-door gaarge with Liftmaster 8500 jackshaft openers. Would a Ratgdo at each opener retain the current features of the wall control?

has anyone successfully used ratgdo with the LA400UL series? from what I understand, the SBC terminals have to be connected, but can’t figure out where the ratgdo white/black/red terminals go. any help would be appreciated

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I built my own simple wifi control for my 20 year old door… it doesnt have all this fancy security and smarts. just a simple relay and some reed switches for end stops.
just for fun i setup a counter, and we have 1215 opens in the last year.
the gate gets used a lot more, and is currently at 3800 opens in a year
given the door is 20 years old its done quite a few lifts!
gate is only a few years old, and i certainly didnt expect so many functions in such a short period of time

Its interesting watching the lines on a graph, can see the flat sections when we go on holiday!

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@PaulWieland Thanks so much for this and all your work. So sick of MYq I chose to RATGDO.

I ordered mine last night.

I have a Chamberlain 7675.


Can anyone school me on the benifits/differences of using mqtt or esphome. I currently do not use either. I just want the most local control.

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I’m in a similar situation – but with a Liftmaster LA500UL gate opener. I posted above asking about connections, but no responses yet.

Mine has the expansion board to handle in-ground vehicle sensors, and a magnetic lock. The expansion board has a couple of AUX RELAY switches that indicate states: Open/Opening/Closed/Closing which are intended to be used for red/green lights.

So there seem to be enough controls and status information available for an automation solution, but I’m doubtful the ratgdo is designed for this. Opportunity exists to engineer a (similar) solution for LA400UL and LA500UL gate openers. Hopefully someone will take this on and share the recipe…

One other thing I’m wondering about is the effective WiFi reception range is on the ESP8266. My LA500UL gate opener is located 100 feet from my (indoor) WiFi router. Unsure if the WiFi signal will be strong enough to be received by the ESP8266.

If you solve your LA400UL situation then please share what you did!

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I also have liftmaster lyn400 gate opener. Not sure if I can use ratgdo with that. I have attached the pictures of the circuit board and the wiring diagram below. I would be grateful, if anyone could confirm, if it would work with my unit and if so, how would I wire the ratgdo. @PaulWieland

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For one thing, the local web GUI on the device for ESPHome is better; it gives you local visibility and you can manually send commands to see if the device is working without worrying about whether the ESPHome communication channel is up. It’s also automatically created with the right entity types as well, and HA will automatically detect the device.

There’s some other really low level stuff that ESPHome offers which I don’t know if you’d be concerned about but I can go into detail if you want!

Arguably with WiFi your issue is going to be a combination of the ESP8266 seeing the access point and the access point receiving signals from the ESP8266. Only testing will find out.

I think I’ll go that route. Been wanting to explore with some esp home stuff. I’m the tinkering type and it looks fun.

Thank you!

Also, after I flash it all I need to do it run the esphome integration? Or do I need an add-on?