Holy crap this sucks. I can do the workaround of turning on the “Calculate CCT from RGB” to get the integration working and then turn it off again, and it works fine until I reset HA, at which point I have to reset the integration with the workaround again.
The integration should definitely include an option to ignore this constraint. Let it be a user opt-in setting, but it seems like this goes against the spirit of HA giving users control to make this decision categorically because some people have experienced problems. I mean unless the problems were causing damage to equipment, but it’s hard to imagine that would be the case.
Considering switching away from Home Assistant because WLED is a really cool project that HA wont fix CCT. At least give us an override? I am about to build my own version of core.
I can respect that @frenck has no use case for this feature, which is totally fine.
However, Home Assistant is a community project.
I have no idea if there has been previous conflict between the maintainers of WLED and HA.
Both tickets indicate that communication broke down for some reason, and @frenck gave up on resolving the issue together with the maintainers of WLED for personal reasons.
Can we, as a community, find a modus operandi where we can find a working implementation that:
follows HA’s requirements for integrations,
benefits users with CCT LEDs who want to integrate them via WLED?
I am willing to contribute to help get this working, as long as HA maintainers indicate that they are willing to revisit this issue and work with the community on a resolution.
With the State of the Open Home livestream coming up and someone from the WLED project is going to be speaking, I hope that this will be addressed or hopefully someone can bring it up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oa__fLArsFk
I too would like this functionality added back in so that I can have lighting temperature control on my WS2814 strip. I thought I’d add that @frozen2077 created a working integration that does include this functionality if anyone would like to look into it: Modded the official WLED integration with color temperature support (not CCT)
Perhaps some of this work could be incorporated into the main WLED integration?
Would like this too, I have a WS2805 RGB CCT ledstrip that WLED just added in the latest beta. But now i cannot use it in HA (only with calculated CCT channel)
Yea. i’m stuck on .12 to get my colour temp stuff working, but it has a bug where it randomly just fades really slow and not smooth (almost flashes as it fades down)
I’ve just ran into this issue which I’m honestly really surprised by. I got some CCT strips since I’ve grown out of the RGB phase and would like something brighter. I assumed they would work just fine with HA since why not?
I’ve enabled Calculate CCT from RGB in the LED Preferences of WLED, but that makes the led strip basically unusable since selecting almost any color turns the strip off. Also this entity now doesn’t have temperature control, WTH? I know that is possible with HA since I have lights with temperature control.
I would love if this issue gets resolved!
I have a WS2805 RGB CCT ledstrip that WLED and I want to control m leds with color temperature. this issue continue over 2 years. I believe this must have in 2024
Another vote for this one, I’m testing a WS2805 strip and would say these will probably become quite popular as they combine RGB + WW + CW. All I really need from HA is to allow it to turn the strip on/off or select a preset, which works fine when I enable “Calculate CCT from RGB” to sync with HA then I can disable it and use the strip as normal. Problem is any time HA is restarted to install an update I need to go through the WLED resync process.
It’s one of those “almost there” parts of HA but as home automation goes I see lighting as being an important part. I can’t see myself going through this syncing process for long, especially if I want more WS2805’s. The main problem with the calculate CCT setting is (from what I’ve seen) it mixes the WW and CW channels so you can’t independently run each channel, bit of a shame if you want to run CW in the evening and WW at night for instance.
Hi all,
I updated to version 2024.08.0, the Athom GU10 bulbs with wled 0.14.4 are detected;
you can adjust the CCT of the white but the color part does not work correctly:
the color wheel does not display the state of the color that is set to wled
increasing the White brightness (wled white channell) it also increases the Color brightness (wled value/brightness) so you cannot return to the only white CCT mode (wled only white channell) without having Color brightness
Color icons based on state does not work, you only see the state of the CCT and not the colors
Thank you for putting this change in, while it looks like some have found issues I no longer have to switch “Calculate CCT from RGB” on via WLED, reload the HA integration and turn calculate off again every time I restart/update HA for every WLED CCT strip! I use presets for my setup to change colour settings and motion sensors on ESPHome devices to activate my strips through HA.
I’m also running the WS2805 strips with WLED 0.15.0-b5 and unable to control them from home assistant beyond brightness, presets, and on/off. Is this something that would get fixed when it exits beta, or is it something else?
I find this odd. I have a btf ws2814/sk6812 rgbw strip that sort of works with Hass. If I use just rgb, it’s fine, but if I try and use any white temp controls, it goes crazy.
Am I understanding correctly that this is caused by Hass and wled maintainers not seeing eye to eye? So we as the users, get a broken sub par experience? If so, that’s concerning.
I don’t need the effects for this specific strip and will flash the esp to esphome and use that to control the light, but I find it very strange that something like this is in this state.