React fully customizable dashboard

Since someone has problems running the dashboard as HACS component, I worked hard the last few days to convert it to a repository add-on. The HACS repository is discontinued and now the add-on can be installed using the add-ons store.

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the add add-on repository dialog with a specific repository URL pre-filled.

This is the main repository of the dashboard


I’m using home assistant for control my home for years, but I don’t really liked the default dashboard.
Since I’m a web developer, I decided to make my own dashboard in React using the Websocket capabilities of Home assistant.

In the beginning I just wanted to design my own dashboard, I started designing it taking a cue from another design found here on the forum ( I don’t really remember where, sorry).
Then things got out of hand and I started make it “customizable” thinking I could share it and have others use it.
The Idea was to release it on GitHub and prepare an HACS plaugin when I had gotten to a good point.
The problem is that the time and willingness to continue the project is waning a bit xD.

I am writing this post to see if this project can actually have feedback and usefulness for others as well. So maybe the desire to work on it might come back to me.
And maybe even find help to continue it :smiley:

A couple of video of a fast demo


Looks really nice. :+1:

Don’t forget though, these things need to be maintained - if you’re going to release it, that’s quite a commitment.

It does look really nice, but what @Stiltjack said…

Wow looks great been wanting to this myaelf, what are the chances of getting the code?

See also React Dashboard

@LWyrn i drop links only for grab some design’s ideas

Hey @LWyrn !

Looks really nice! And I’ve been working on something very similar and have published it, seems like you’ve already implemented a few of the ideas that I had, have a look at @hakit/core and @hakit/components published on npm, maybe seeing as we’re both working on something similar we can take it to the next level by merging both projects, I welcome contributors!

I still have a lot of ideas in terms of the layout controls as you’ve already done, theming capabilities, and an easier way to use this with home assistant for people who just want to use the components but don’t understand react

Feel free to reach out to me on girhub discussions or through here :slight_smile:

Also, interested in seeing your code! Have you managed to “save” the layout changes or is it just remembered through local storage?

Here’s my post on my react package: Home Assistant React - Component Kit @hakit


I’m actually blown away how similar they are!

Perhaps a link to your project?

Hey LWyrn,

Thanks for sharing
I fully second your statement and would welcome a react interface for Home Assistant

Thanks! Is there a link to the project’s github?

Hmm… Jason… don’t do that. :smiley: … You can’t attract a dog with a sausage and then just keep it for yourself. That’s inhumane. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I am absolutely thrilled with the design, the colors… it just looks great. Big respect for your achievement. I really hope that we get the possibility to get a config for HACS or manually.

By any chance there is no news about this, is there?


This month I found some time to resume the work of this dashboard adding a lot of features. I’m planning to release an early alpha build in the next couple of weeks

Hey @ shannonhochkins I’m sorry, I just seen this message! Yeah that would be great to collaborate somehow!

No I’m not saving the data inside the local storage, I made a HA custom component to save and handle all the changes to be able to share the same UI between all the devices

That’s all good! Home Assistant - Custom Dashboards & Themes - Jump in here, would love to have a chat to you as i’m working on something very very similar and we might be able to bridge our ideas!

I released a first early beta of the dashboard as a HACS integration!
I still need a lot of work but I can start to share this with you!


Since someone has problems running the dashboard as HACS component, I worked hard the last few days to convert it to a repository add-on. The HACS repository is discontinued and now the add-on can be installed using the add-ons store.

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the add add-on repository dialog with a specific repository URL pre-filled.

This is the main repository of the dashboard

I install it, I log in with a url and llt, and get a blank screen. From there I can do nothing. Ami missing something?

Worked for me, but not language friendly. Has promise!!

Seems to need a mouse to configure.