Hi there, i’m an happy new user of HA on rpi3.
I spent some time for setup 5 dht11 on another rpi2 that write temp and humidity on google sheet and give back a web interface with graphs and button for control my home temperature, then i discovered HA!
I tried to setup dht sensor but seems not work, values are half then real.
So i want to read sensor from my Google Sheet from api, but i get this:
This worked for me as well. Had the exact same journey as you. Couldn’t get the rest stuff to work but curl is fine! Your json parsing was cleaner than my value template so thanks for that!
Hello, I need a hand, I am a beginner in Home assistant.
I just followed your tutorial. Thank you because I am in the same boat as you I have been looking for several days
how to do it and I see that you know how to do it and I think I am not far but I am missing something.
here is the result of my Json: so it works
“range”: “Alimentaire!B2”,
“majorDimension”: “ROWS”,
“values”: [
dans HA j’ai cela
but impossible to display only the value I see well in the state of my entity all the Json code but I do not know how to extract just the value. Do you know where is my mistake. ?