Real-Time Sports Scores w/ TeamTracker and TeamTracker-Card (Beta)

please tell me where to place this text. I mean its not a code, config or yaml?!

Is it possible to “group” different entities? Like one Dashboard for euro24, one for nfl, and so on.

Found a way → Exlude every entity that wouldnt shown

But could someone explain how to add Formula1 in a teamtracker card.

Use the driver’s name for the team_id.

could you give an example?
like in Real-Time Sports Scores w/ TeamTracker and TeamTracker-Card (Beta) - #98 by vasqued2
they createt a wildcard with “*”. but in my case teamtracker gets the “Not Found” message. also with the surename like “russel” or “Russel” or “RUSSEL” i get a not found message. I like to get a wildcard with the top2 in race.

The field for the Aramco Spanish Grand Prix isn’t set yet so the API isn’t returning any drivers. Once the field is set, the API will return the list of drivers and you should get a hit. Should be populated sometime before the Free Practice on 6/21 but don’t know when. If you are still having a problem after the 21st, ask again.

Hey Phantom -

firstly thanks for your input.

I entered all the teams into the integration via the mask of the integration; downloaded the layout map and auto-entities and pasted your code - but nothing is showing up.

My teamtracker sensors are named like this “sensor.team_tracker_ger”.

Would I need to change that somewhere in the layout card? I look at the code you posted, but I am not able to see where I could/would make a change.


When I add UFC with the Wild Card asterisk, it returns only the earliest fight in the event. I’m wondering if its possible to have all the fights returned or possibly just the main event?


Once the first fight is over, it will automatically switch to the next one. It can only return one fight at a time. If you only want the main event, you have to use one of the fighter’s name. Or use the * and just wait for the fight to come up next.

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sure you activated the integration in the ressource tab?

→ /hacsfiles/ha-teamtracker-card/ha-teamtracker-card.js

Yes, already using it to display a single team

Firstly thanks for creating this card, it’s brilliant and I use it across a bunch of sports.

My question is this. I follow the NRL and the team_win_probability and opponent_win_probability are always both 0%.

I want to hide the win probability bar completely as it is useless to me but can’t work out how to. I’ve tried cardmod which works for some attributes (for example venue and location) but not for the win odds.

What would i need to do to hide the win probabilities bar altogether?
Thanks in advance for any help.

There is a wrapper for everything in the status bar for just this purpose. The following should work:

  style: |
    .bar-wrapper {
        display: none;

The Wiki has other examples of how to use card-mod as well.

thats it, but it works just with the teamtracker-card!
nfl card didnt work with card-mods.

I searched high and low for ages and never found that Wiki, thanks so much. I won’t know if it works until the next game is live but I’ll assume it does. :slight_smile:

type: custom:auto-entities
unique: true
show_empty: false
  type: entities
  template: |
    {%- for team in integration_entities("teamtracker") -%}
      {%- if state_attr(team, "team_homeaway") == "home" -%}
        {{{"type": "custom:teamtracker-card",
          "entity": team }}},
      {%- endif -%}
    {%- endfor -%}
    - entity_id: '*team_tracker*'
options: null
  method: attribute
  attribute: date

Hey fürg1vr

Try inserting this standard code, it will definitely work.

I did. I copy&pasted - but the card doesn’t do anything. Stays empty.
Something is not working for me:-/

Edit: seems the „exclude“ command you have at the bottom is what is causing issues for me.
If i take it out, it does show the EURO games for the next 2 days.
So will leave it out and see how far I will get

If your entities have that name pattern then yes do not exclude them. I wrote that codesnip long ago and my original entity had that name. Then i did a different naming convention and just excluded that one.

Hey… How do you get the NRL… I have setup the AFL but I see that NRL isn’t on the list …

Has anyone had any luck getting a feed for Division 3 NCAA Football? I can’t see to get any data back at all, no matter what I do. There doesn’t seem to be a way to look up team abbreviations that I can find.

You have to set up a custom API configuration. sport_path = rugby-league, league_path = 3.

You have to set the Conference ID to 35 and it will bring back a subset of D3 games. I am not sure how it determines which games to bring back as it has a limit on the number of games brought back. My guess would be ranked teams but idk.