Interested in integration for controlling the wifi connected family of Rec-TEC Pellet grills. Apparently based on TUYA IoT.
See here for work started in Github:
Thanks for any interest.
Interested in integration for controlling the wifi connected family of Rec-TEC Pellet grills. Apparently based on TUYA IoT.
See here for work started in Github:
Thanks for any interest.
That would be great! I’ve been in the market for a pellet smoker and some form of HA integration would definitely make the decision easy.
Would love to see this functionality. I have two of their wifi grills, so eventually can help test the API.
Any progress on getting this to work?
I’m looking for feedback. Let me know how it goes if you have a chance to take a look.
Hi Paul!
I was using localtuya for my Rectec control but decided to give your intergration a try since it integrates better. I configured it and it pulls in my grill no problem but I am having an issue with the temperature values.
Since I typically use Celcius my home assistant is set to metric. With a grill however I always do everything in Fahrenheit. The issue is everything is being converted from F to C and screwing up all the values. I am trying to find a way to keep the thermostat and the other values in Fahrenheit and I am struggling to do so.
Any ideas?
Question… Does the recteq mobile app do metric units? I’m trying to decide how I should adjust the fixed minimum and maximum (and step) values.
No I don’t beleive you can switch Recteq app to metric. I don’t think its an option on the controller itself either.
OK, I’ll tinker with it tonight.
OK, the integration should be reporting in Celsius when HA is set to Metric. However, rereading your earlier post, you want to keep HA on metric but have the grill present in imperial? I’d have to dig into the way the frontend works some more.
Yes that is correct. All my temperture sensors and thermostats throughout my house should remain Celcius but at least here in Canada we still primarily cook in imperial. I tried changed the unit_of_measurement in the customize and unfortuantely it seems to do nothing.
I’m told there isn’t a way for HA to operate in multiple unit systems; only one at a time. After the changes I committed yesterday, the thermostat card should display in Celsius on your system and all the values from the grill should be (fingers crossed) properly converted from the original Fahrenheit. I tested on mine last night including setting a target temperature and it seems to be working as expected.
The only way I can think of to get what you want at this point is to do the math to convert back to Fahrenheit in automations and template sensors. You’d not be able to use the thermostat card since it appears to be fixed to display in the current unit system.
Thanks for your help. I did a very quick test and things seem better however not overly usuasable with the thermostat card because as you said, its stuck in Celcius.
I’ll have to play around a bit and see what I can figure out. Even if the thermostat and sensors showed the values of F but said they were in C would be more useful to me. I have no clue what 225F in C is without constantly converting lol.
Typical for a lazy American, I’m completely useless in a Metric world so I know where you’re coming from. If there’s something I can adjust to make it work better for you, let me know.
Metric is a way better system however there is just certain things for whatever reason we don’t use metric for here in Canada. Cooking is done in F, construction is done in feet and inches and most people still talk about their weight in pounds.
If I wanted to modify your integration to tell it that the values coming in were in Celcius, what would I need to change? To me that would be the easiest work around for the time being. That way in home assistant I can see values that I actually understand even though HA will be telling me they are in C.
I’m fiddling today with adding a “Force Fahrenheit” option to the config but I’m running into places where HA is trying to be smarter than me and re-converting things I’ve already converted. Wacky…
Oh, here’s one you can try at home… I have an input_number helper that I use as the target for the probe.
If I tap the icon in the top-right then adjust the slider to 160, I end up with the value of that input actually set to 71.1. Its converting the input value of 160 from F to C even though the units next to the slider in that UI is C. Wacky.
Recreate the input_number with no units (couldn’t figure out how to remove them from the original one) and it’s not interfering with setting its value.
Just pushed an update that should do what you want. You’ll need to remove the integration then add it again after you update it. You’ll get a “Force Fahrenheit” option in the config screen; check it to get what I think you’re after.
Gave it a quick try and values are showing up correctly but I’m having issues where when I change the temperature from Home Assistant it doesn’t line up with what is being sent to the grill. For example I was at 225 and tried bumping it up to 230 and then my grill tried going to 600. I’m thinking its strill trying to convert the C to F when setting the grill.