Recent TP-Link (Kasa) Issues

Just wanted to check if anybody else is experiencing the same issue recently:

In the ‘olden days’, I had quite some issues with TP-Link devices staying connected to Home Assistant; these issues had disappeared almost completely for me for at least 15 months and the TP-Link integration seemed to be rock solid.

I can’t say for sure that it changed again and became less stable when I upgraded the 2023.8.X earlier this month but the timing seems to match - at least kind of.

Is anybody else seeing this as well?

I run approximately 30 TP-Link switches. From time to time a switch in my garage will drop from HA. I discovered the problem to be a weak WiFi signal, not HA. Recent changes to my WiFi network seem to have corrected the problem.

Th light bulbs I’m having trouble with are about 3m away from my Ubiquity Access point, so I don’t think this is the main issue unfortunately.
The HS105s are a bit further away, so this could be the reason, but the UniFi Dashboard still says the ‘Experience’ is good for one of them and excellent for the other three.

I’ve had devices where wi-fi connection got funky, where Unifi was reporting “good”. But never when it’s reporting “excellent”. Lots of Unifi AP’s here for coverage, so I seldom see just “good”.

I’ve got a crap-load of Kasa TP-Link devices, & have never had connectivity issues w them.

I might just have to bite the bullet and get another Unifi AP, I guess.