Recommendations: Smart Water Timer for Sprinkler

Hi All,

Does anyone have any suggestions or recommendations for an outdoor relatively inexpensive Smart Sprinter that I can attach to an outdoor tap and control via home assistant.

Ideally I would like one that is Zigbee, but failing that Wi-Fi.

Just to be clear, I am looking for something similar to this, but Zigbee:



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Hi Mike, I was browsing the forums and saw that there was a similar thread about a year ago:

But I feel your pain, It would be really useful if there was a spreadsheet where we could look simply look up recommended products with HA compatibility. The integrations pages help, but don’t give the details we need when searching for something new - especially when you’re new to the topic.

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Yes! this would be so helpful.

I have opted to buy the Johgee Smart Water Timer (SOP18W), for now I will use the Smart Life app until I find an integration.


Well if you are looking for an integration then perhaps…

I use a ZigBee DIY setup.