Remote access from Companion app to HA OS installed od Rapsberry Pi 5 via NordVPN


I am new to home automation and am currently trying to find a way how to remotely access HA OS installed od Rapsberry Pi 5 (placed behind my home ASUS router) from HA Companion app on Android via NordVPN.

I have found tutorial, how to do it via NordVPN Meshnet feature, but this wont work in my case I guess.

I have also found some Tailcase and other VPN tutorials (like WireGuard etc.) but it is too much confusion for me at the moment, so I am trying to find a concrete solution to my specific NordVPN use case as written above.

Can anyone please point me into a right direction?

Huge thanks in advance.

This tutorial?

Then (assuming you run HAOS) you’ll have to wait for someone to create an addon out of it.

You best bet (IMO) is to use the Tailscale tutorials, through the Tailscale addon.

Yes, this is the one.

And yes, you are probably right. Yesterday night I went the Tailscale way, but as a NordVPN user I do not like that you have to disconnect NordVPN on mobile and connect to Tailscale to be able to remotely access HAOS. It’s a huge bummer, at least for me.

Let’s hope that some day NordVPN, the best VPN service as of today, will add this feature. According to comments beneath their meshnet tutorial video thez no, this problem exists…

Meshnet currently can’t run inside HAOS; one way around this is setting up another device that can run Meshnet (Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W?) and traffic route through that device.

I dont know if this works like you want, but Zerotier One

works fine on windows, linux, HAOS, iOS and surely Android.
It is pretty easy to use and gives you vpn-like behaviour and does not open up any ports.

Having this same issue. It looks like the only way to do it is to

  1. Switch between tailscale (or wireguard) vpn and NordVPN when needing to access HA remotely from client device (like your phone or whatever).
  2. Rebuild your HA from scratch as a docker container inside another distor (i.e. raspbian os) instead of using HAOS.
  3. Wait till a NordVPN add-on is developed (annoyed this isn’t the case yet).

I guess i’m going to go with 2. :frowning: