Apologies if it wasn’t clear from my side. In effect I can generate the code, but when I add it to my configuration.yaml it doesn’t work seems the code is not correct…
The config looks ok, but I see that you are using the same code to turn it on and off. This can be problematic. Most devices use a toggle bit in the code. You need to learn two codes, one for each command.
Thanks, basically it’s exactly the same code. In effect I use then the on integrated into a script and only use the on. Looking to the older answers and the Panasonic example the code should be much longer, I searched for a while without any success. Broadlink told me as well they currently don’t support this action…
i have a similar issue turning on my pellet stove, and have nearly given up. i can control the temp and fan but cant figure out the 2sec power press to start and stop it. Do you mind sharing how you got the codes? Everytime i try the long press a different sequence appears.
Sorry, I didn’t find any code for pellet stoves. If you find the codes in a crowd-sourced database (IRDB, LIRC etc), there are several modules out there that can help with conversions:
@aceindy thanks, i need to find out if i do have an Evo board in my stove. I think i do (Fuoco Delia), but need to confirm. Also i am new to this, when u mentioned the ESP01, is it possible to use the M5stack, as i bought a couple for another infrared prj (which didnt pan out)?
Hi felipediel
I missed your message.
My code isn’t for a Panasonic,I was just taking the example.My equipment is a heater,so the broadlink reads the code I sent you, but it doesn’t work. …
Thanks. The code I have sent was the result of the long press, but it doesn’t take all the code. In parallel I opened a ticket within Broadlink, but they just said they don’t support long-press.
I believe we would be able to repeat the payload manually if we would be able to identify the part of the code, but…