Remove Shelly device

i have change my Shelly Integration from the official Integration to ShellyforHass.
All works fine, but i can’t remove an unused Shelly. I can delete all entities, but the i can’t delete the device.

Is there a trick?

Thx for Help,


Would love to know this as well.

Selbes Problem hier. :wave:t2:
Same problem here. :wave:t2:

What was the basis of your decision to change from official shelly integration to ShellyforHass?

Same problem here still unsolved!
Das selbe Problem habe ich immer noch!

I don’t have a Shelly, but I do have several ESPHome nodes. When I need to delete an entity, I first delete its’ integration then restart Home Assistant.

Also, if you have an entity defined in configuration.yaml, you have to remove it from the yaml file then restart HA.

Hope this helps.

this looks like a brutal method to me. For my ESPHome it your method does the job. But when I delete my Shelly integration I loose a lot of work… or am I wrong?

I don’t have a Shelly on Home Assistant (I do but it’s still running Tasmota).
So, I am just guessing that deleting the integration, restart HA then let HA discover the devices still online should work.

I don’t follow what work would be lost. You are only deleting the integration- not automations, scripts, etc.

I have a “ghost” Shelly device in home assistant: a device that malfunctioned and was replaced, and I’m still seeing the old Shelly device in home assistant
How can I delete that device?

Don’t hijack an unrelated thread- start a new one.

no violence (hijacking) intended. thought it was related…
will open an new thread

It’s different enough that a new thread should be started. Besides being a new thread will get more eyeballs.

Was this somehow resolved? I’m in similar situation, have ghost Shelly device left from official integration and cannot get rid of it…

Both integration use the same unique_id, so device entries from two different integrations are merged. You have to remove the configuration for both integrations, restart HA and configure the device once again with your preferred integration.

Still, if you add the password AFTER adopting the device HA goes crazy and its not possible to interact with the shelly device within HA anymore.

My solution has been:

1 .File editor on the following files, and delete the entries regarding the entity:

  1. full restart (not the small config reload).

Then I’ve been able to readopt the device again, after the system has discovered.

I’ve checked the following topics, none of them contained the aforesaid solution.