Hi there,
This card should list me some system stats. At the End of the card, there are also some conditions, to show the status of my 3 NAS only when they´re turned on, and it looks like this:
Why is there so much space between the entry “HA Database Size” and the Diskstation-sensors and how can I reduce them to aliign correct to the other entries?
At least I can see why: I´m using the Amoled theme, so I couldn´t see that every entity from the Diskstations is in one card.
Any hint on how I can put them into the enttities card with the condition if they are on or off?
something must be wrong on your system. Mine pretty much says all my entities are unused because I’m using all custom cards. Seeing your setup in the past, I would assume you would have the same ‘problem’.
I must admit that ‘interface’ is kind of a poor cousin to the automations for me so they have a much lower priority.
I’ll probably invest more time when I’ve made everything else ‘feature rich enough’ (so read a LOOOOOOONG time ! )
But I normally run with JuanTech’s Grey - Orange Theme and when I’m looking for entities I have to switch to Light - Orange.
It’s probably a fault in one of the text colour elements, but don’t know how to find what and where and the correct value.
This is what my unused entities looks like normally, about as much use as a chocolate teapot !
It did require a restart but ALL my normal cards went the ‘background’ grey (so it did change stuff - just not the entities background (or the UE text - either is good for me))
Not sure why the card background is applicable to unused items as my standard cards are dark (see below) and the UE is near White (but then again “I know Nothing !” )