It should be a POST, however I’m trying and I’m not succeeding either, I don’t know if you’ve already achieved it.
There is a new firmware for the doorbell, said some new smart function and as usuall pretty vague api
Where have you seen the new firmware?
I’ve checked the Reolink app and also Download Center – Reolink but can’t see any new FW.
My mistake, my reolinks are in VLAN that locked by internet, by updating rules on my firewall i accidently opened access to itnernet and doorsbell suddenly saw update lol. I’s an old my, excuse my enthusiasm
What happened?
Reolink still did not implement it in the firmware…
I guess their initial estimate of a few months was off…
Nothing I can do as long as its not implemented in the firmware.
You can contact reolink support and ask for it, the more people aks, the higher it becomes on their priority list
Thanks I’ve opened a ticket here for this feature and an option to upload files instead of recordings from the phone mic.
Got a “stock” response from their support:
"We can definitely see how this feature could be beneficial, but unfortunately, it’s not something that we can offer right now.
I will forward your feature request to our development team for consideration in future updates to the doorbell camera. While I can’t provide a specific timeline for when this feature might be implemented, please be assured that your suggestion will be taken into account during the planning and development process. Thank you for your understanding."
I trolled then entire latest API doc…how do you determine the actual doorbell key press?
HA has native integration to Reolink cameras. If you add your doorbell to HA, the button press is available as a binary sensor called Visitor. See screenshot below:
ah I have to still do several updates, HASS included. Been contemplating overhauling and starting HASS updated from scratch to have clean slate maybe this will be the kicker
got firmware
Seems a tad newer but no changelog to be found.
use the reolink integration or use the ftp upload (thats what i use, then i have a screen also imediately).
Saw this show up in HA. Just tried to install via HA and then got a message from HA that it failed as it was the same version. It is not as I manually pulled it down and checked.
Some odd behavior in HA for sure. Where you able to upgrade via HA?
Were you able to get the functionality of sending quick messages through HA?
Because auto update was enabled.
The message was there but the camera already updated by itself …
No quick reply Tru website so I doubt it’s accessible tru api
Reolink has listened to the user requests and have added triggering/playing quick reply messages to the API.
I made a PR to implement it for the Reolink integration here: Add Reolink play quick reply message by starkillerOG · Pull Request #112134 · home-assistant/core · GitHub
You will need the newest firmware v3.0.0.3215_2401262241
Since the beta has already been cut for HA 2024.3.0, this will most likely be included in HA 2024.4.0 in a month. But it is defenitly comming soon!
If you appreciate the reolink integration and want to support its development, please consider sponsering the upstream library or purchase Reolink products through this affiliate link.
Didn’t expect that! Great news, thanks Reolink and kudos to you for getting the PR in so quick
My installation of my Reolink PoE doorbell last night brought me here. Wanted to use Google Home to detect door press and display camera on my Android TV (Humax Aura) or a Chromecast screen. Am able to announce doorbell on speaker as Google Home > device > voice notification. Am also able to “OK Google show doorbell on TV”, but doorbell does not trigger automatically with a starter of doorbell rings.
Before I go and setup the HA Reolink integration. Something I expect I will do soon. Can someone please confirm that the Google Home trigger does not work, and the HA integration is my only option to get doorbell press to be detected? If trigger should work, any clues why it does not?
My firmware has been updated automatically.