Reolink doorbell trigger quick message

That’s really great :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Do you have the updaded api doc? Reolinks official docs are outdated: API-April, 2023 - Google Drive

I tried to trigger the QuickReplyPlay cmd via rest (looked it up in your code), but it always plays the first file:

Any idea what could be wrong?

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The PR has been merged. So it will come to HA soon right?

It will be included in 2023.4.

Figured it out myself. Its a POST not a GET and the body looks like this:


No I do not have an updated doc, someone disected the firmware file and was able to optain this still undocumented command. I figured out the paramter by just trying and a bit of luck

I think the ID part needs to be in the payload body and cannot be supplied in the URL directly.

as usual, reolink don’t furnish some newer documentations to help us for developping when they’ve released new stuff (new cams or newer firmware). At the end, we have to use differents methods or paths to finally obtain informations about the newer or modified commands they’ve added. For me, it’s annoying and very fustrating for developpers because it’s a waste of time and Reolink will have to much take care about this

Hello can you be more specific? How looks whole command? IM noob , thank you.

You can just wait for 2023.4 to be released :grin:
I was really impatient so I implemented a simple rest command which plays a file. You have to modify the id parameter to select the file you want to play…

    url: "http://IP/cgi-bin/api.cgi?cmd=QuickReplyPlay&user=USERNAME&password=PASSWORD"
    method: post
    content_type: "application/json"
    payload: '[{ "cmd": "QuickReplyPlay", "action": 0, "param": { "id": 3 } }]'

yeah then just need a blueprint for the actionable notifications w the quick reply options :wink:

Reolink now supports PTZ patrol start/stop, package detection and controls for playing quick reply messages. This was added in 2024.4


can someone please post how to call the service from haas ? i.e. what service to call and what payload to provide to service ?

This will call the option you want

service: select.select_option
  entity_id: select.reolink_video_doorbell_poe_play_quick_reply_message
  option: I'm sorry. I think you've knocked on the wrong door.

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I’m on 2024.4.3 and the “play” entity is not present? What am I doing wrong?

edit: to answer my own question… update the firmware. I’ve now done this and the entity is there!

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