Reolink NVR stream: or snapshots.. Please I need help seeing them on hassio

upgrading nvr to the version of firmware linked from @jchurch , for me the problem is solved. @penright, are you sure that your firmware is upgraded? Supprt center of reolink didn’t recommend me to update … they still didn’t give me a solution :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


The quick answer is no. The issue with dealing with their support is the time difference. I get up early so I might get one chance to respond then it wait till the next day.

Today was kind cryptic …

This last line was something about my firmware does need to be updated. It was kind of vague so I ask more direct and she said yes.

I would have been nervous about giving my UID, but my NVR is behind a firewall and is not connected to the cloud, so we see.
Well, will see if the version she gives me is the same as @jchurch linked. If I was not so far into the process I would just flash @jchurch link.
I did have a camera die and they are honoring the warranty, so if I brick it during the flash, hopefully, they will be more helpful. I will let you all know what I get from them but now looks like in the morning. :slight_smile:

The bottom line is flashing fixed the issue.
More information then you care :slight_smile:

I used the link they sent me this morning.

It seems to have fixed the issue. I have the RLN16 and not the RNL8

I wonder if the UID marks some sort of hardware type? Here is the title of the article

That link has both RLN16 and RLN8.

Now looking at the like from @jchurch

What is interesting, the article was updated yesterday.
I just mention all this for any future people who find this thread, you may need to double-check before flashing. Also, I flashed from the control software, I did not have to do the thumb drive as described in the instructions. Not sure how big a chance I took on that.

Hey guys! Just wanted to chime in that I have a RLN16-410 and am trying to set this stuff up with Hassio. The linked firmware did the trick for me.

Odd that the firmware linked here is not on this page here:

Pretty sad that Reolink support lacks so much, but it is nice that they fixed this issue!

I got the impression of how hard the tech support drilled me for my UID. Looks like the first X-digits are significate. It makes me think not all RLN16-410 are created equal. Actually the 410 is what cameras shipped with the NVR. So we if just go with RLN16, that does not make much of a model number. It makes me think there must be hardware differences in runs. If you have the time to wait, the tech support is good about responding, just since they are in China, they respond in the middle of the night, and if you are an early riser, you can maybe respond and get one more cycle through.

Hello guys,
Thanks to this useful post I was able to add and setup my reolink cameras on Hassio. But I still miss the last mile as I configured 7 cameras, but on the Overview section only the last one is getting the preview.


#Enable Cameras
  - platform: generic
    name: 01
    still_image_url: !secret Camera_URL
    stream_source: !secret Camera01_Source
  - platform: generic
    name: 02
    still_image_url: !secret Camera_URL
    stream_source: !secret Camera02_Source

  - platform: generic
    name: 03
    still_image_url: !secret Camera_URL
    stream_source: !secret Camera03_Source
  - platform: generic
    name: 04
    still_image_url: !secret Camera_URL
    stream_source: !secret Camera04_Source
  - platform: generic
    name: 06
    still_image_url: !secret Camera_URL
    stream_source: !secret Camera06_Source

  - platform: generic
    name: 08
    still_image_url: !secret Camera_URL
    stream_source: !secret Camera08_Source
  - platform: generic
    name: 05
    still_image_url: !secret Camera_URL
    stream_source: !secret Camera05_Source


Camera_URL: ""

Camera02_Source: "rtsp://user:[email protected]:554/h264Preview_02_main"
Camera03_Source: "rtsp://user:[email protected]:554/h264Preview_03_main"
Camera04_Source: "rtsp://user:[email protected]:554/h264Preview_04_main"
Camera05_Source: "rtsp://user:[email protected]:554/h264Preview_05_main"
Camera06_Source: "rtsp://user:[email protected]:554/h264Preview_06_main"
Camera08_Source: "rtsp://user:[email protected]:554/h264Preview_08_main"
Camera01_Source: "rtsp://user:[email protected]:554/h264Preview_01_main" is the NVR ip_address…Am I missing something somewhere?
the only camera working is the 08…and I don’t understand why!? could you help?

Camera_url is the same For all
Channel=1 needs to change
Open that in a web browser and check.
Change the number from memory it starts at 0.

Hi Harry…thanks for posting! but that does not explain why Camera 08 works…
I tried to open in a web browser but does not work either with 0 or 1 as channel. I get the following error:

Access Error: Not Found

CGI program file does not exist

any thoughts?

Have go the latest firmware

Sorry taking so long, have not been paying attention.
Couple of things I found out the hard way.
At first, I could get rtsp stream working, but not the snapshot. There was a firmware update to fix that. Also, the channel numbers for snapshots start at 0, while the rtsp start at 1.
Have you tested your URL with VLC?
I am assuming you are getting the feeds in at the NVR, correct?

I am coning in late to this conversation but I thought I would share my limited success.

I have one camera hooked up to a RLN8-410-E. I updates the firmware to the one available from September 2019.

Everything is working!!!


  - platform: generic
    name: 01
    still_image_url: !secret Camera_URL
    stream_source: !secret Camera01_Source


Camera_URL: ""

Camera01_Source: "rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/h264Preview_01_main"

Ok, I finally got into a solution. Don’t ask me why (as I don’t know), but everything works if I reference the cameras this way:


The strange thing is that they are called 01,02,03 etc. and also camera 08 must be referenced as 08, and not 8!

Thanks for helping btw.

Hi guys,

i have the RLK4-211WB4. Can you tell me the correct rtsp-Url to view the Stream? I test very much, but nothing works :frowning:

@aq5001 Could try Blue Iris software for motion detection etc. It is paid software, a one off cost, but it blows most others away and has pretty decent HA integration.
There is a tutorial here - Blue Iris Integration Tutorial .
I think, if I had my time again, I would actually skip the Reolink NVR and just go BI for the whole thing.
There is a link to add Reolink Cameras to BI here -

I am not sure if all Reolink cams are supported yet though.

Does anyone know the way to access motion detection information through the NVR?

I have tried…


But even when I change the channel from 0 to 1,2, or 3, it seems that I always get the motion status of only the first camera.

BTW, this command also works without the “channel” parameter, and still returns the status of the first cam, so I think this is probably the part that I have got wrong?

Did you find the answer? I’m thinking of buying NVR + four cameras, and the motion status would be a nice addition.

No - not got this working yet. But not paid it much attention either!

I’d recommend the integration from fwestenberg. It can be installed through HACS by adding it as a custom repository -

Although I did struggle getting it to work through my NVR but after speaking to Reolink support, my NVR didn’t support the functionality.

Hi anyway to let this component work with Home Assistant 0.110.1
I’ve got this error

Invalid config for [sensor.template]: extra keys not allowed @ data[‘sensors’][‘motion_frontdoor’][‘delay_off’]. Got OrderedDict([(‘seconds’, 30)])
value is not allowed for dictionary value @ data[‘sensors’][‘motion_frontdoor’][‘device_class’]. Got ‘motion’. (See ?, line ?).

Hi, i have a Reolink RLN8-410-E NVR with v. firmware (2020).

I have installed Reolink integration in HACS, and in configurarion.yaml I have configurated this:

- platform: reolink_dev
  host:   <----- NVR IP OR CAM IP???
  username: admin
  password: my password
  stream: sub
  protocol: rtsp
  channel: 01
  scan_interval: '00:00:05' 

Now I can see entity “camera.cam_giardino” (without entity icon, only name), but streaming don’t start. , I set only point 1 (I’m non intrested about motion detection)

Do I have to configure something in NVR setting?

NVR Network Info

Ip Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
MAC Address: xxxxxxxxx
Favorite DNS:
Alternative DNS:
