Reolink POE IP Camera Setup

Yes, sorry @djskinner, I forgot, this is coming from a custom repo!

Hey guys,

today i have updated my Reolink Dev in Hacs and now all my cameras stopped working.

Looks like this in Lovelace

any ideas how to fix this ?

If you check the entities the new ones might have 1 after them. Delete your old ones and rename the new ones the same as your old ones were.

have you guys tried using this with HomeKit?

I have the same problem on my android tablet. Working on iphone and desktop tho…

Just following up with motion detection on NVRs. Is anyone else’s working? If not can anyone suggest a temporary fix to get motion detection from the ReoLink cameras while using a NVR? I use that detection in several automatons and I’d like to get it back.

It seems like there is still an issue listed here

Reolink is currently working on some changes to the API. Once they are done, I will add this to the integration. :slight_smile:


Any change that could improve the lagging issue?
This integration is just perfect I only have a disappointing lag by 8-9 seconds ( stream and sensors )

The only way in which I managed to reduce the lag to 1-2 seconds is to have my Reolink cameras integrated in Motioneye (with all correlated limitations).

Matter of trade offs, but if only I could have this integration working with a reasonable lagging time this would be just great as it will give me full control on my cameras.

I’ve been in touch with Reolink support today for my issue and they replied as follow

“The delay time of 8-9 seconds, even up to 12 seconds of live view on Home Assistant is normal, that is because the Home Assistant needs to needs to buffer data. And I am sorry we don’t have a good solution to it since it is a setting of Home Assistant.
Hope for your understandings. ‘

So I guess this is a common problem for all cameras, not only Reolink and a solution is not possible at the moment

Indeed the delay is caused by home assistant and affects all cameras. The component here is not able to improve it. I think the resolution affects a bit. Try using the sub stream in HA.

I just updated a Reolink RLC-410W to image

Could this, coupled with the API changes, a reason that your integration is not working for me?

I am using homeassistant on the newest veriosn. The integration has found the camera and integrated it, but I get no image from the camera and also all of the sensors and switches are without function.

@Automan69 mentioned this 1.5 years ago, but it is still working

You can use a rest-sensor.

  - platform: rest
    resource: !secret camera_motion
    name: camera_motion
    scan_interval: 5
    value_template: "{{ value_json[0].value.state }}"
    device_class: motion

As resource use and replace ip, user and password with your credentials.


Thank you ,but with reolink’s NVR how do I select the channel?

Use the camera directly, not via NVR.

Anyone have the new AI detection cameras (RLC510a) working with this? I want to get rid of all the false motion alerts i currently have with the 410. Does the newer cameras remove the false activation for motion detection in Home Assistant?

I have just updated the reolink_dev custom component to version 0.14 and now the motion sensor seems to work for my cameras connected to the NVR

Im not using an NVR and mine still doesnt work :frowning:

Nice integration! When you click on the picture glance or picture entity, is it supposed to show nothing for default action?

I have the “” integration installed, and my camera (410) is showing up on the main overview dashboard. Everything seems to be working fine. The only thing Im not sure about, is should clicking on the lovelace actually open a live stream up?

I don’t have the stream: component added to my config, should I? Thanks

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I have mine setup on my overview using a picture glance card. Right below where you pick the camera entity is the camera view. Change that from auto to live and now your card will show a live feed.

I also have it setup to open a large window when I tap on it.
On your overview dashboard, create a new view. Set it to panel mode.
On your new view add a picture glance card.
Select your camera and camera view should be live.
Set Tap action to navigation.
Navigation path should be your home view or the view that has the original picture glance card .

Now you need to go back to your home view where your original picture glance card is.
Change the camera picture glance card’s tap action to navigate.
The navigation path should be the new camera view you just created.

Now, when you tap the small card image, it will open up to a full screen live view. Tap the full screen image and be taken back to your dashboard.