Have the Push commands changed since last Reolink App update? The commands I have been using a long time ago have stopped working a few days ago. Perhaps you already noticed that some PUSH alerts features have been included in the App in the latest update (at least on iOS, which is the one I use), like the new critical alerts options. I am wondering whether it has affected to the API commands in any way. Commands still reply the expected strings, but perhaps there are new URL commands that I haven’t figured out yet.
For instance, the URL I have been using to know whether the PUSH alerts were ON or OFF is this:
To set the PUSH Alerts ON:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d ''[{"cmd":"SetPushV20","param":{"Push":{"enable":1}}}]'' "http://[LAN_IP]/api.cgi?cmd=SetPushV20&user=admin&password=[PASSWORD]"
To set the PUSH Alerts OFF:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d ''[{"cmd":"SetPushV20","param":{"Push":{"enable":0}}}]'' "http://[LAN_IP]/api.cgi?cmd=SetPushV20&user=admin&password=[PASSWORD]"
Before this problem started, the response to the URL GetPushV20 command always stated the enable
flag to either 0 or 1 depending on whether the PUSH Alert was enabled with the SetPushV20 either with a cURL command, the App or the NVR software interface.
Now, if I set the command with the cURL command, the GetPushV20 responds fine, but the PUSH alert option in the App and NVR interface does not change. I guess it is happening something similar to what happened in the past with old Reolink cameras, which expected SetPush and GetPush instead of SetPushV20 and GetPushV20. However, I haven’t updated the cameras firmware recently, so it does not make a lot of sense. Anyway, I tried SetPushV30 and GetPushV30 but it doesn’t work.
Any clues of what is happening?