Reolink POE IP Camera Setup

Hi, anyone magaged to cast a (Reolink) camera to google nest hub? It worked in the past, but now i only get a black screen. I tested via the service:

service: camera.play_stream
  entity_id: camera.front
  media_player: media_player.ghnest
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Hi all,
I have a probably st*pid question. I would like to know where i can find the video files from the reolink integration from @fwestenberg in de file system in order to delete them

I have installed the Reolink custom integration as well the frigate Integration. Both integrations are working perfectly. From both integrations the recordings are seen in the HA Media Browser. The frigate recordings and clips, i found easily and could delete the old video’s.

But for the Reolink integration i am not able to find the video files. And my file system is becomming quite overloaded with the Reolink video’s.

I did a search for mp4 files but found only the ones from frigate, not the ones from reolink.
Can anybody help me how to delete the reolink stored video files?

Btw, i am running HA on an Intel NUC i5 with a 250GB ssd, but soon running out of hd space…
Kind regards, Bert

Some added info.
When i open one of the video files from the reolink integration camera in HA Media Browser and i inspect the video, i get

But i can’t seem find the location where the video file is located…

Have the Push commands changed since last Reolink App update? The commands I have been using a long time ago have stopped working a few days ago. Perhaps you already noticed that some PUSH alerts features have been included in the App in the latest update (at least on iOS, which is the one I use), like the new critical alerts options. I am wondering whether it has affected to the API commands in any way. Commands still reply the expected strings, but perhaps there are new URL commands that I haven’t figured out yet.

For instance, the URL I have been using to know whether the PUSH alerts were ON or OFF is this:


To set the PUSH Alerts ON:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d ''[{"cmd":"SetPushV20","param":{"Push":{"enable":1}}}]'' "http://[LAN_IP]/api.cgi?cmd=SetPushV20&user=admin&password=[PASSWORD]"

To set the PUSH Alerts OFF:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d ''[{"cmd":"SetPushV20","param":{"Push":{"enable":0}}}]'' "http://[LAN_IP]/api.cgi?cmd=SetPushV20&user=admin&password=[PASSWORD]"

Before this problem started, the response to the URL GetPushV20 command always stated the enable flag to either 0 or 1 depending on whether the PUSH Alert was enabled with the SetPushV20 either with a cURL command, the App or the NVR software interface.

Now, if I set the command with the cURL command, the GetPushV20 responds fine, but the PUSH alert option in the App and NVR interface does not change. I guess it is happening something similar to what happened in the past with old Reolink cameras, which expected SetPush and GetPush instead of SetPushV20 and GetPushV20. However, I haven’t updated the cameras firmware recently, so it does not make a lot of sense. Anyway, I tried SetPushV30 and GetPushV30 but it doesn’t work. :wink:

Any clues of what is happening?

The integration uses Home Assistants camera platform, so anything being saved to disk is home assistant itself and not specific to this integration. I am not sure where the camera platform saves it’s proxies data and I believe it’s only meant to be temporary.

Hi - do you mind sharing your nginex setup to get reolink_dev to work with an https setup. thanks!

Hi, quite new to HA but came across this and wanted to flag to you (though imagine you have probably seen it already). Not sure if this helps.

hi @sesardelaisla,

For answering to your questions, from experience, there are 2 switches to enable/disable the PUSH notification feature. You have 1 switch specific to the smartphone application, and 1 “master” switch for the camera.

Here is in detail how these 2 switches work (independent switches).

 Switch on/off Push of the smartphone application:

First of all, you should know that by installing the reolink app on your smartphone, this generates a unique reference identifier in the Reolink servers, specific to your smartphone.

When activating the switch push on the app, 3 actions are performed:

  • Sending informations (including the identifier) to the camera for a linux push service of the cam
  • Initialization of the cam’s linux push service with these informations
  • Initialization of a communication from the camera to the central Reolink server (pushx)

When there are detections: the linux push service of the cam sends the detections (json files) to their pushx server for processing and to be redirected to your smartphone
(by your identifier)

When disabling the switch push on the app, this resets the cam’s linux push service. There is no more communication with their pushx server.

 Switch on/off Push internal to the camera -accessible via the commands GetPush/SetPush-

This switch can be considered as the “master” of the cam’s Push service… In a nutshell, if it is deactivated, there is an interruption in service. Its management is done through the commands GetPush/SetPush (GetPushV20/SetPushV20 for AI cameras).
If this is disabled, reactivation can ONLY be done using the SetPush(V20) command. The smartphone application switch has no effect on it

You are a genius! This worked perfectly for me. Thank you so much for contributing.

Thanks for your feedback! However, for whatever reason, the PUSH notification URLs that I provided earlier in this thread based on SetPushV20 and GetPushV20 started working again a few days ago. I didn’t make any changes. I am not sure the reason they stopped working, but they are back and working fine. Perhaps it happened upon an App update and the issue was fixed after another update, but honestly I am not sure. Anyway, for your reference, I never use the App toggle to enable/disable PUSH. I always use the commands, and the App main toggle updates accordingly.

Hello Guys,
I have 2 Reolink camera RLC-410 are working perfectly. I bought an RLC-520, and I cant to add it to Reolink integration, and it is not recognize atomatically… How can I set it up manually?
I tried to uninstall and install again (HACS and Integration also), but no result…
There is no add command on config panel.

Hi Mate you need to add integration, Click on Reolink and then add the IP address of the new camera.
Have you tried that part?
Screen Shot 2022-04-15 at 11.26.39 pm
Screen Shot 2022-04-15 at 11.26.30 pm

So after reading some of the post I understand that the motion-sensors arent working, right?
The reolink app notice my motion but the Home Assistant does not. The Camera Feed it self works nice!

I think I solved my problem with broken sensors. I did run the Watchman who is checking for bad / missing enteties in your code.
And it found this among other:

And I went into this services.yaml in the reolink_dev folder and changed all those lines where “” was and changed it to the correct name of my camera! And now it seems to be working.
Dont know if this was it but it did something :slight_smile:

Thx your help, Niko!
What a dumb method to add integration again and again…

I did the same, and updated this to one of my 4 cameras, and person detection is working, but not pet. Also, how could I update this with the other 3 cameras? Thanks

Other than deleting and re-adding the camera, how do I change the camera IP address in HA ??

I have given the camera a FIXED IP Address, previously it was DHCP, but I can see nowhere in HA that I can update the IP Address ??

Hi Crankshaft
The only way I know is to delete the old one and start a fresh. But if you call it the same name I think it should reappear in your Dashboard where the old one was.

What card is this? I tried the Glance Picture card but I don’t have these fields. Thanks in advance.

Hi @dacorn that would be a “Picture Glance” Card

You can also add your camera to the dashboard (lovelace) in the devices area.