Repository: Few addons

im running hassio on raspbian… but im not sure how to get it working.

Doesn’t work for me either.
Running Hass.IO on a Pi3 with HA 0.55.2
When I visit the API URl it presents the correct information.

From the logs under PS4-waker addon in I get:
“Listening on”
Seems like something is missing, I guess it should listen on my PS4-IP?

One more question, I have manually copied down the file from:

to: \Hassio\Config\custom_components\media_player
The folders custom_components and media_player I created manually from within the Samba Share. Which should be enough? (I’ve also setup the correct config in configuration.yaml with PS4 IP, Host: and so on)

Or is connecting to the ps4-waker docker image the only way to make ps4-waker work on Like @danrspencer seems to have done?

Hey, i have the exact same problem… if you figure it out, please tag me!

If i try to use the JSON-File Image Map from github i got:

2017-11-03 20:38:22 ERROR (SyncWorker_19) [custom_components.media_player.ps4] gamesmap json file could not be loaded, the JSON object must be str, bytes or bytearray, not 'Response'

Heres my Config:

- platform: ps4
  name: PS4

Did you ever find a solution on this?

@outrun maybe you should put the host address and imagemap_json between ’ ’ because the // means comment in yaml…

Thanks for suggestion, but unfortunately it did not fix this. I thougt # is comment in YAML

Sorry, you’re right. // means comment in many languages but not in yaml.

Lots of great info here; thank you guys! I’ve got it working to wake/rest my PS4 and I can change titles as well. However, I can’t get it to wake the PS4 and have it start Spotify. In my configuration.yaml file I have:


but if I’m in, for example, Media Player when it goes into rest mode, it wakes back in Media Player. Can anyone help with this?

Also, how can I build automations and switches for this? I’d love to have a PS4 group of switches for my top apps/games and when selected it checks if the PS4 is on. If it is, it simply changes to that app/game. If not, it initiates a PS4 start action (maybe this includes other actions such as lights/speakers) and the PS4 should ultimately be in the selected app/game without further user input. What service/data templates/entity id’s would I need from the PS4 Custom Component for this to work?


Man … complicated. (edit: I got it working too – posted details in the old component’s thread)

Anybody think there’s any hope of a PS4Waker HASS_IO component being released that auto-authenticates and does all this for us?

Thank you, danrspencer, for the instructions. I wouldn’t have got it working without you.

I have a lead on artwork too. I noticed in the HASSIO\config\custom_components\media_player\ file, line 48 mentions: MEDIA_IMAGEMAP_JSON = ''. That link takes me to a site with a list of broken links to jpg’s. Some of the viable links have images with 1024x1024 pixels. I’m assuming those were the art files and that this is why nobody is seeing game art.
Update: I can’t seem to get this working via local .jason and .jpg files nor via uploading the .json to pastebin and using PSN .jpg’s in the same format as the original author. Not sure why… I feel like it should work

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Has anyone worked out how to get the cover art to show?

Vkorn, do you have any plans to update your smartthings addon? Stjohnson has done several upgrades since you created your addon.

I managed to control my ps4 your way. A big thanks for your post. But before following your guide I tried the following:

I changed my Windows PCs MAC address and the hostname to everything of the hassio host. I then installed ps4-waker with the builtin ubuntu core of Win10. Running this setup, I got correct credentials and the correct MAC and hostname shown up in the playstation’s connected devices. But I think it is not only the MAC or the hostname - it looks like Sony is generating correct key stuff here. No way of easy cheating…

after that … step 1 to 6, and I was done in about 3 minutes (so don’t worry to use this way)

Did you ever find a solution to the problem of the artwork not showing up?

No, I never did: Even after fixing broken links in the python file, the add-on wouldn’t display artwork.

I bet it’s fixable, but I don’t code much.

Does this method still work? I’ve read through this entire topic. I’m having an issue navigating to


in which it displays: {“status”:“Could not detect any matching PS4 device”}

When I SSH in, however, and do it from there, it works. What gives?

I know this is a older thread but…
when I installed the wrapper I then did docker ps and got the ID for the vkorn/aarch64-ps4waker and bash into that… I then tried to install the ps4-waker and it gave some errors… am I doing this wrong now given I am using the wrapper?

➜ ~ docker ps
3aaecb847150 vkorn/aarch64-ps4waker “/usr/bin/ /…” 10 seconds ago Up 9 seconds addon_e5829d31_ps4waker
➜ ~ docker exec -it 3aaecb847150 /bin/bash
bash-4.3# npm install -g ps4-waker
Error: could not get uid/gid
[ ‘nobody’, 0 ]

at /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/uid-number/uid-number.js:37:16
at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:211:5)
at emitTwo (events.js:106:13)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:191:7)
at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:886:16)
at Socket.<anonymous> (internal/child_process.js:342:11)
at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
at Socket.emit (events.js:188:7)
at Pipe._handle.close [as _onclose] (net.js:497:12)

Found the answer to my issue… it was because I am running HASS.IO 64bit - needed 32bit only.

I am also running the 64bit version and had the same error message. My solution was to run:

npm config set unsafe-perm true


npm install -g ps4-waker

Adding the repo does not work anymore.

19-04-02 14:09:18 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.addons.git] Clone add-on repository
19-04-02 14:09:20 WARNING (MainThread) [] Can't read /data/addons/git/e5829d31/appdaemon/config.json: required key not provided @ data['arch']. Got None
19-04-02 14:09:20 WARNING (MainThread) [] Can't read /data/addons/git/e5829d31/smartthings/config.json: required key not provided @ data['arch']. Got None
19-04-02 14:09:20 WARNING (MainThread) [] Can't read /data/addons/git/e5829d31/devicelocator/config.json: required key not provided @ data['arch']. Got None
19-04-02 14:09:20 WARNING (MainThread) [] Can't read /data/addons/git/e5829d31/configwatcher/config.json: required key not provided @ data['arch']. Got None
19-04-02 14:09:20 WARNING (MainThread) [] Can't read /data/addons/git/e5829d31/ps4waker/config.json: required key not provided @ data['arch']. Got None

It looks like the config.json for each addon within the repository just needs to be updated to the new format that Home Assistant is looking for (this repo broke for me when installing a new 0.91). Updating this is easy to do.

Fork vkorn’s repository, then open the addon you want and add this to config.json right below the startup line.

    "arch": [

You can see my updated copy here.

Then add your GitHub forked repository to the addon store and install your addon.

I only needed the SmartThings MQTT Bridge, so I forked vkorn’s repository and made the changes to the smartthings addon only. The small update should be the same for the others you guys want - just fork it and update it. Pretty simple

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