(RESOLVED) Aeotec nano dimmer not triggered by automation

Hi there,

I have this strange issue on HA version 0.91.4.
My dimmer setup uses Aeotec nano dimmer. In HA, it created a switch and a light entities.
I can toggle the switch/light on the web ui and the light will be turned on/off accordingly.
When I use the physical switch, only the light entity is updated in the web ui.
I can also use service call in the Developer Tools and turn on/off the switch/light entity in HA without any issues.
I have this automation to turn on/off the light when motion is detected. Strange thing is: it was triggered, got registered in HA (logbook) but the light never got turned on/off.
I checked the automation, it is activated.
I also disabled the conditions rules in the automation but still it didn’t work.
I am in despair now as to what else I can do to solve this “mystery”?
Below is my automation:

- alias: 'Kitchen light on'
    - platform: state
      entity_id: binary_sensor.fibaro_system_fgms001_zw5_motion_sensor_sensor_3
      to: 'on'
    - service: light.turn_on
          - light.kitchen

light.kitchen is the nano dimmer’s light entity. It turned on/off fine in Developer Tools, through manual trigger in web uit and physical switch but not in automation. This baffles me!

Maybe I am missing something here? Hope someone can help me out with this.

Thank you!

Update 15 Jan 2021

I migrated to OpenZwave and this issue is resolved. For more details please see here.