Restore home assistant running in docker container

I did check what’s inside the config folder and there is my custom_components, my config file refers to devices etc
I also reconfigured mqtt broker in the devices page and all my zigbees devices were automaticly configured. So I assume it has loaded my configuration but not totally.

But, I need to reconfigure lots of things that I should not have to : dashboards, persons, devices etc

I don’t have a .secrets folder neither in my backup folder or in my config folder.

No relevant information in portainer logs during startup


Ok, I managed to get it working.
In fact, I used cp command to copy my files BUT without the -R it doesn’t copy the hidden folders.
When I started Home Assistant container, it created the missing folders so when I checked if everything was ok, it seemed, indeed.
But, then I checked their content and compared to my backup and there were some files missing, a lot in fact.

Thank’s for your help and I hope it will contribute to helping others.