Hi all, so on my quest to find ways to use Assist more and more to replace Google Assistant at home, I’ve been playing with a couple of ESP32 satellites, and a conference speaker at home. I can get these solutions to work mostly, but I can’t help thinking about reusing the existing Google nests I have around the house already (I have at least that I use currently for TTS, and general other stuff like playing music etc). I’m mostly thinking about this due to two reasons:
- E-waste - Don’t like the idea of eventually making the Google nest redundant, and would like to reuse them
- The sound quality of the Nest is actually really decent for the money
So I’ve been investigating making simple ESP32’s with just a mic, which would accept the requests I give Assist, but then use the Google Nests to relay the response.
As a test, I got it working on a custom response, as shown below.
# Solar & EV
text: "The house battery has a charge of {{states('sensor.battery_state_of_capacity') | round(0)}} percent"
service: "tts.google_translate_say"
message: The house battery has a charge of "{{states('sensor.battery_state_of_capacity') | round(0)}}"percent
entity_id: >
{% if is_state('binary_sensor.living_room_sensor_assist_in_progress', 'on') %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
The above is set up to work with two ESP32’s with mics (one in the living room, and another in the garage). And even though this works, it’s of course limited to just those two Nests. I want to of course expand it to the other Nests to, and then somehow expand it to all the other responses that can come from Assist (both the default, and the custom ones).
But is this even realistic? Is there an easier way I could achieve this? So far, I’ve created around 30 custom responses, plus all the default ones, plus adding all the other nests to the code, it’s a lot of work! So I can’t help but think that there’s an easier way.
If anyone has any input or thoughts, it would be greatly appreciated if you’d drop it below